My chains are gone, I've been set free, my God my Savior has ransomed me, and like a flood His mercy reigns, unending LOVE, AMAZING GRACE!
What does your heart beat for?
We have been so busy this month! We had Thanksgiving at my Aunt Val's house about 45 minutes away from where we live. It was fun to catch up with some family members. My cousin Lori is expecting her 2nd child in January. It's awesome for there to be two pregnant girls in the family. Lori has a 3 year old daughter already and she is just a firecracker! She is very verbal and entertaining. She is very excited for her new baby brother or sister!
There has been lots of things to get ready and set up. We are packed and ready in case of emergency. But this lovely homebirth is just so exciting!! I am so pumped! I have been praying and waiting for this day for years and years! And now the day is approaching!! I am overjoyed! This is a compilation of some of my thoughts from the past month. :) ENJOY
Must elevate legs!
I am not mentally or preparedly ready for winter! At least I am 1000° degrees everyday!
If you don't make a solid choice to deliver naturally, prepare and do the research, in that vulnerable time during labor, drugs might sound pretty great!
Our birthing kit came in the mail today!! This is all becoming so real!! In no time, we will be saying, HELLO BABY ______ or BABY ______!!!!!
obsessed with infant crocheted and knitted hats!! ♥
That much closer to the best Christmas season we have ever had!!! ♥
Baby is head down. ✔
Iron levels are healthy. ✔
Baby is measuring on track. ✔
God answers prayers! ✔
I am 8 1/2 months pregnant. I am sick of hearing "my body, my choice". The moment that little God chosen swimmer hit the ovum that God chose, MY BODY quit being my body. Absolutely nothing is the same! How my body used to behave 9 months ago, does NOT exist. It is not my own. THAT is quite apparent. Strange and miraculous things happen daily that all point back to the soul and body growing inside of my uterus.
It's going to be a long night! I love you sweet little baby even if you are jabbing your feet into my diaphragm! ♥
Sleepless nights = tiringsore back = irritating
Aching feet = painful
Listening to our baby's ♥ beat with my stethoscope = priceless!!
Pray for our country's future. Being pregnant has made all of this future stuff much more intense for me..
11-8-12:::Wait, did I just sleep 7 hours straight? :)
Baby hiccups! ♥
11-10-12:::So far my prayers have been answered that no major snow comes before baby arrives. I would prefer to not have to worry about my midwife traveling with bad roads..
These b.h. contractions are an interesting feeling, that's for sure!
I am being assaulted from the inside!
Story of my month:::I am a walking zombie. Yawn. Kick. Punch. Ouch.
11-16-12::: I am wide awake due to lots of stretching going on inside my uterus. ♥
"In the newborn child is realized the common good of the family." -Blessed Pope John Paul II
Son or daughter? Son or daughter? Son or daughter? Son or daughter? Son or daughter? Son or daughter? Son or daughter? Son or daughter? Son or daughter? Son or daughter? Son or daughter? Son or daughter? Son or daughter? Son or daughter?
11-25-12::: 37 weeks pregnant, listening to ℂℍℛi$✞ℳ₳$ music ♫ and dec✰rating for this joyous Holiday season! ღ
This was my day today 11-26-12::: Pow. Kick. Wam. Kapow. Yawn. AND Today I was wrapping Christmas gifts while being kicked in the ribs. This is a first! ♥
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34 weeks 2 days!! |
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36 weeks, 5 days along! |
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6 Weeks and 32 Weeks! |
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August 5, 2012 (21 weeks) and November 15, 2012 (35 w. 4 d.) |
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15 weeks, 1 day and 36 weeks, 1 day |
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Cloth diapers!! |
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nursery decor |
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CRIB!! |
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New stuffed animals!! |
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oink! oink! |
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Baby's first moose!! Hopefully the child loves moose as much as I do! Technically this is a caribou from Caribou Coffee. But it is just sooo cute!! I couldn't resist! |
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The only shoes that fit me right now!! |
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Our favorite shot!!! |
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mama and baby! |
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Pumpkin patch!! |
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This is our family dog, AMOS.. He is 12 and a half years old and going strong!! We love him to death! |
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We have had some amazing sunsets this month! |
Our family cat - Jewel! She is 14 and a half years old in human years!!!! |
"We don't change God. God changes us".
"The things that are hard to let go of... might drag you to hell". -Lecrae
"The Bible is about Jesus. Beginning to end. It's always about Jesus."
Have you had a healthy, long lasting loving relationship/marriage? NO? Then, please don't give me advice.
"Father forgive them for they know not what they do". . This quote helps me remember people don't often intend to hurt us with their words and/or actions. We cannot force people to care about us. God gives us each time to grow and one of the hardest things is prayerfully standing by and letting them find their way. Separating our feelings from a situation can be difficult but it can be done with help from above.
There is a right and wrong. We all carry guilt with us if we don't recognize the things we've done that are wrong; even if those things are small and "not so bad". The guilt is there whether we choose to recognize it or not. And that guilt fuels our feelings and decisions. Most often that guilt rules from a subconscious place inside our minds. Seek me and you will find me when you seek me with all of your heart. Seek God and He will reveal the guilt that is hidden underneath.
If we put our hope in one person or group of people, we will be let down.
I am so glad for the cross and my Savior.
Don't let your day be ruined by election results. The President remains in the White House and Jesus remains on the throne.
The God is bigger thing is not sitting right with me, in the HUGE sense. God may very well let the kingdom the PEOPLE built, fall. I prayed a bunch. Woke up feeling strongly that it isn't AMERICA He gives a crap about. It's US! God cares about His people. I know that sounds like a no brainer. But this just means WE SEEK GOD. He comforts his people. He is our strong tower, refuge when we're weak, beautiful and mighty, our everlasting peace. ♥
"I know Who goes before me,I know Who stands behind,
The God of angel armies,
Is always on my side.
The One who reigns forever,
He is a Friend of mine.
The God of angel armies,
Is always by my side!" -Chris Tomlin
Your love never fails, it never gives up, it never runs out on me. Your love... In death, in life, I'm confident and covered by Your great love. ♪
As the Kingdom came, so it will continue not through the Head of the State but at the foot of the Cross.
God says He is I am. Saying you are "I am" means you can be all things to all people. That is pretty amazing and reassuring as we face this crazy, hard life. It is definitely a comfort as the time draws near to deliver this child. ♥ So take heart in knowing, whatever your soul needs, God can be that something. He is I am.
John 8:58 KJV
Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before
Abraham was, I am.
Exodus 3:13-14 NKJV
Then Moses said to God, “Indeed, when I come to the children of Israel and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they say to me, ‘What is His name?’ what shall I say to them?” And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’ ”
You hear me when I call
You are my morning song
Though darkness fills the night
It cannot hide the light. - Chris Tomlin
Our actions always speak louder than our words. Saying we care about someone then turning around and choosing to hurt them shows where our heart is. Lord help me to follow through with what I say!
"We have the Bible, literally, everywhere, on our phones, ipads, computers, ipods but it seems we know it less". - Pastor Anthony Bass, former Viking.
Sin rots the soul and decays our character. Only Jesus can heal it all.
Thankful post #2:::Today, I am thankful for my husband. He changed my life and sacrifices a great deal so we can live comfortably. ♥ I love you!
Thankful post #3:::Today, and every single day, I am thankful for being American. Despite all the election nonsense, this is still America, One Nation Under God. And none of us have to worry about being gunned down while walking 5 miles to get water. We don't have to walk anywhere for water. As a woman, we have it pretty great! We don't have to dread turning 12, because that's the age we get castrated, so we stay pure until we are 14 when our dad sells us to our husband. None of us have to wake up terrified because today could be the day we are gunned down and our house is raided. Christians can say we are persecuted, but in reality, we don't live in fear for our lives. No one holds a machete over our hands and asks us if we believe in Jesus Christ? The most we get is laughed at and called ignorant. If that's all, I am okay with that. Yeah, gas price is high, tornados happen, floods happen, hurricanes happen, but we live in America! We have the means and the funds to help each other. This country was built by hard working, God fearing men and women. Those people are the reason we stand here today, proud and free! We prevail because our God is big and He loves us all despite how foolish and down right selfish we can be. Today, I pray that every person searches their soul and::: 1. Finds refuge in our God's love and knows you can never make too many wrong turns. God is always waiting by your side for you to turn to Him. 2. I pray that every person takes our duties as American citizens very seriously and thinks about the future of this great nation. The next 4 years aren't all that matter. They will change the course of our lives, the lives of our children and our children's children. Choose what is logical to you and what will make for a greater America. An America that pleases God. What are your standards for being led??
Thankful post #4:::I am thankful for our son or daughter's heartbeat!
Thankful post #5::::: I am thankful for my sisters. Both of them have unique wonderful qualities. But they are both kind, giving, caring, loving, gentle, helpful and forgiving. I haven't always been the kindest of sisters and I have made many mistakes. Depsite those shortcomings, the sisters God has blessed me with continue to be there for me and I for them. Friends come and go as life changes but knowing that I have 2 women who are a constant presence in my life is indescribable. My son or daughter is already blessed because he or she will have two beautiful amazing aunts! I love you both!
Thankful Post#6 :::: I am thankful for my brother. He was a wild child that wrecked my Barbie dolls and now he is growing up and he hasn't wrecked any of my stuff. He always said after I had beaten him up that he would be bigger than me one day and beat ME up. He never did the beat down part just the growing part. I am proud of him for standing on God's principles and wearing that ring on his left hand. I am proud of him for desiring to join the military. He is one of the only people that can call me "fatty" while I am pregnant! I will be laughing like crazy if our child is a girl and he loses the bet and has to get red lips tattooed on his ankle. I was sad that he was originally going to be shipped off before the baby arrives but God worked it out. I am thankful we can have another Christmas all together! Ti amo tanto!
Thankful posts 7 & 8. ::::: I am grateful for my parents. My mom is the reason I am who I am today. She has been the constant representation of Jesus in my life. She has never wavered. I am truly in awe of her strength and wisdom. She sacrifices her time for the good of others. She never complained about me when I was out in the world sinning and being an idiot. She did the right thing and simply prayed for me. Now my mistakes are my own to tell. I trust her 100%. . I am grateful for my dad. He has always worked hard to provide for our family. He helped me many times when life struck and I needed help. When my car was broken into in 2007, my dad secretly left a check for the total amount of window repairs at the shop. It saved me from a big debt! No 2 people are perfect but we each have to believe that God specifically places us where we are. We need to honor and respect our parents. No ifs, ands or buts about that! The Bible doesn't say, only honor your mother and father if they are good and faithful people. It just comands us to show honor. I do my best to do so despite my parents' humanity. God forgives us and blesses us despite our flaws. Tell your parents you love them! We aren't guaranteed tomorrow. ♥
Thankful post #9:::: I am truly thankful for our health.
Thankful Post #10::: Today, I praise God for 60 degree weather! This is just what we all needed! One last time to be barefoot, take a walk in a t-shirt, open the windows and maybe catch a few sun rays!
Thankful post #11:::: I am thankful for my Grandma Minnie. She is wise. She reminds me of how easy us women have it now a days. And I get funny stories from her about my dad.
Thankful post #12:::: Today I am thankful for fuzzy warm socks!
Thankful post # 13::: I am really seeing that sometimes, not always, God closes a door in order to save us from ourselves. If we aren't ready to face something or aren't prepared to do it. Or that door closing is a sign we have more time for growth and need more time. And in some cases that door slamming shut saves us from consequences due to poor choices. That door slamming should not be viewed in negative light. It should be seen as an opportunity to figure out what we would have missed if we would have walked through the door. I am thankful that God knows best. And that He allows us time to catch up to His big plan.
Thankful post #14::::Merry Christmas to me!--- I am thankful for my new vacuum that my husband bought for me!!
Thankful post #15::: I ♥ naps.
Thankful post #16::: I am thankful for chewable pre-natal vitamins.
Thankful post #17::: I am thankful for the miracle of life. And that God bestowed it upon women to partner in the process. Yes, this last month will be uncomfortable but at the same time it's bittersweet. This has been so special and I have learned so much about myself & about who God wants me to be. More and more with everything that happens, each experience points me back to Jesus. We believe He made the ultimate sacrifice for every person on earth. Yet, we aren't always willing to sacrifice, myself included. And this whole pregnancy I have done my very best to stay focused and remember this time is temporary. The sacrifice that God made for us in giving up His only son is worth all of me {my heart, my mind, my actions}. I ♥ whoever is growing inside of me. He/she is a miracle. We are all miracles.
Thankful post #14::::Merry Christmas to me!--- I am thankful for my new vacuum that my husband bought for me!!
Thankful post #15::: I ♥ naps.
Thankful post #16::: I am thankful for chewable pre-natal vitamins.
Thankful post #17::: I am thankful for the miracle of life. And that God bestowed it upon women to partner in the process. Yes, this last month will be uncomfortable but at the same time it's bittersweet. This has been so special and I have learned so much about myself & about who God wants me to be. More and more with everything that happens, each experience points me back to Jesus. We believe He made the ultimate sacrifice for every person on earth. Yet, we aren't always willing to sacrifice, myself included. And this whole pregnancy I have done my very best to stay focused and remember this time is temporary. The sacrifice that God made for us in giving up His only son is worth all of me {my heart, my mind, my actions}. I ♥ whoever is growing inside of me. He/she is a miracle. We are all miracles.
Thankful post #18::: I am grateful for, our family dog Amos! He is a kind and gentle soul!
Thankful post #19::: Today, I am thankful beyond words for my midwife, Joy! I left our time together today feeling refreshed and renewed. No fear in my mind, only excitement and anticipation. The advice was beautiful and so was the encouragement! Project Baby Holzhauer is looking great!
Thankful post #20::: today, I am thankful for Kristina Kent. I have spent 2 years getting to know her and she has become a dear friend. :)
Thankful post #21::: I posted that I am thankful for Jesus as one of my first posts. And today it is similar. I am completely thankful for *repentance*. My sins don't define me as long as I recognize them and give them to God. This concept is one that seems to be slowly fading away in our culture. No one wants to admit they were wrong. We are getting to a place where accepting everything is the right thing. The problem with this is Jesus is widely rejected. He doesn't get the same level of tolerance as other things do. But I pray I am humble and am always looking inward in order to be aware of moments when I need to repent. Especially, now that we are about to be parents. Our children and their children will be affected by the choices I make. Even the ones that they don't witness. It is important to take that seriously. We tend to follow in the footsteps of our parents, especially our fathers. And I want to let go of what is in the past and give it to God. As long as we are breathing the opportunity is available. I don't want to continue anything negative in our legacy as people, as a family. We can all break the foothold the enemy has placed on our family legacies. It doesn't have to be like that, the future can be different. That is my thought today. What kind of legacy do I want to leave behind? What kind of legacy have I already started? Change is possible! Our God is for us!
Thankful post #22::: Okay, so the past 22 days or so I have posted something I am thankful for. And today, on this day where we are celebrating life and thanking God for the many blessings we have encountered over the years. All I can say is, I am unworthy of all of the blessings and joys in my life. I do not deserve them, not in the slightest. Yet, Our Great God in Heaven sends them my way anyways. I sit here, awaiting the birth of our child in complete AWE of so many things. One of them being, the mystery of how God works everything out for good to those that love Him; even the wrong turns and mistakes. I really believe there are no words that will ever fully convey how my heart feels. Spend time with the ones you love. Tell them, out loud that you love them. Life isn't long, it is short and it can end in an instant. None of us our guaranteed tomorrow. And that's why it is so important to take heart in knowing that Jesus overcame this world and took the penalty for our many shortcomings {sins} and He wants to walk this road of life with each of us. That's the most important thing of all. Understanding that with Christ, this life on earth is not the end, it is the beginning of eternity spent sitting in the presence of our Savior forever. *Happy Thanksgiving* all! ♥
Thankful post #21::: I posted that I am thankful for Jesus as one of my first posts. And today it is similar. I am completely thankful for *repentance*. My sins don't define me as long as I recognize them and give them to God. This concept is one that seems to be slowly fading away in our culture. No one wants to admit they were wrong. We are getting to a place where accepting everything is the right thing. The problem with this is Jesus is widely rejected. He doesn't get the same level of tolerance as other things do. But I pray I am humble and am always looking inward in order to be aware of moments when I need to repent. Especially, now that we are about to be parents. Our children and their children will be affected by the choices I make. Even the ones that they don't witness. It is important to take that seriously. We tend to follow in the footsteps of our parents, especially our fathers. And I want to let go of what is in the past and give it to God. As long as we are breathing the opportunity is available. I don't want to continue anything negative in our legacy as people, as a family. We can all break the foothold the enemy has placed on our family legacies. It doesn't have to be like that, the future can be different. That is my thought today. What kind of legacy do I want to leave behind? What kind of legacy have I already started? Change is possible! Our God is for us!
Thankful post #22::: Okay, so the past 22 days or so I have posted something I am thankful for. And today, on this day where we are celebrating life and thanking God for the many blessings we have encountered over the years. All I can say is, I am unworthy of all of the blessings and joys in my life. I do not deserve them, not in the slightest. Yet, Our Great God in Heaven sends them my way anyways. I sit here, awaiting the birth of our child in complete AWE of so many things. One of them being, the mystery of how God works everything out for good to those that love Him; even the wrong turns and mistakes. I really believe there are no words that will ever fully convey how my heart feels. Spend time with the ones you love. Tell them, out loud that you love them. Life isn't long, it is short and it can end in an instant. None of us our guaranteed tomorrow. And that's why it is so important to take heart in knowing that Jesus overcame this world and took the penalty for our many shortcomings {sins} and He wants to walk this road of life with each of us. That's the most important thing of all. Understanding that with Christ, this life on earth is not the end, it is the beginning of eternity spent sitting in the presence of our Savior forever. *Happy Thanksgiving* all! ♥