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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Teeth & Loss

This all started last summer. I noticed one day that Elijah's top teeth didn't look quite right. Even with brushing and a diet free of candy and all things sugary, his teeth appeared to have cavities. 
Sure enough, I was right. And so we scheduled surgery for October 2014. It went splendid. Elijah got all four top teeth capped with little crowns. And his molars had tiny cavities that the dentist fixed. 
In December one of his crowns fell off. So we went back in and had it fixed. Which was horrible. Elijah cried and so did I. 
Then on Monday evening the same crown fell off again which flashed me right back to the last time. It was so terrible that I really felt like Kaleb had to come with us this time. 
So, Tuesday we took the soonest available appointment. 2:00 pm. And as they were examining his tooth the dentist found a sore that indicated an abscess. Which is an infection inside the tooth. They can affect bone and cause damage to his growing/forming permanent teeth. So they took an X-Ray and sure enough his right front tooth was abscessed. And the only solution is to pull the tooth. 
Our poor baby. 
So we thought for a moment and prayed. And decided to just get it over with now. What was the point in rescheduling and coming back in a month? It is a 70 mile drive for us to the pediatric dentist. 
So we decided to use the child strap because it would be the easiest way to keep Elijah calm. Which looked like this --- ----- 
It was a great decision because it kept Elijah calm. Or I should say, more calm than if he was free to move around. 
We sang "Jesus Loves Me" & "Jesus Loves the Little Children" 
That helped a lot. 
It was all over in a matter of 15 mins. 

Thank the Lord. 

I did not watch the tooth being pulled but Kaleb did. I couldn't watch. I have seen a lot of gross medical things but I couldn't watch it happen to my Ebear. 

All last night and today I have cleaned and went about the day as usual. But every now and then this very strange sadness rolls over me. I can't exactly pin-point it. But I was asking God to help me figure my emotions out in regards to this loss of a tooth. 
My big question is WHY is it bothering me so much? 
What am I afraid of? 
Is this really a big deal? 
Am I THAT shallow that a missing front tooth makes me so sad for my son? 

And as I was driving to the post office it was as clear as day. As if God himself spoke & said 
"it's sad because IT IS SAD. Let yourself be sad and grieve." 

Yes, this is a small thing. I GET that. I fully understand that other parents have sick/dying/handicapped children. But that doesn't belittle the suffering God has called ME to walk through or the suffering he has called Elijah to endure.  

I also felt God whisper, it's fear. 
The fear of what people will think of us as parents. The judgment they might pass on us; The questions, the looks. Why does my two year old have a tooth missing? And now I fear the looks, thoughts and comments. This is America where so much is about our outward appearance. I don't want anyone to make fun of my child. I fear how I would react if that happened. I am glad I will homeschool when that time comes because public school can be harsh if you have all of your teeth. 

I usually don't fear things. But this journey, I have battled fear. And I don't want it to win. Because that allows the enemy space into my life and my soul. 

But God says, do not fear. So that will be my prayer every day, to let go of that fear. To rest in the truth of God. And the fact that nothing we did as parents caused this, Elijah just so happened to have weak baby teeth. 

I am getting a clear picture of my emotions about this whole situation. I LOVED his cute baby teeth. I enjoyed watching them sprout and grow. Then they had to be shaved down and capped. THAT was sad. Now his cute little tooth is gone. And my sweet, smiley boy is still the same, he's just missing a small thing. But it has changed what he looks like. 

I pray his adult teeth grow healthy and strong. They looked good on the X-ray. And hopefully they come in sooner rather than later. 

Until then, we walk in God's grace. I will turn my face to the sky and remember that God's love never changes. I love my son no matter what he looks like. But it is okay to feel sadness and allow myself the space to find a new normal. 

We all have been called to walk through things that aren't consequences. They are just part of a fallen, broken world. And Jesus meets us there with grace and mercy. And we can find what we need if we look for it and open our hearts to the beauty of it. 

I am so glad I take photos like a crazed lunatic. Because there are TONS. Thousdands. Of photos of Elijah prior to all of this. I have photos of his shoe given baby teeth and all the big smiles. And I have photos of his capped teeth and how Shiney and white they were. 
And now, when he's comfortable, we will have photos of his new smile. 

On a side note: Take your babies to the dentist & brush their teeth diligently. I'm glad I did so that I have no guilt about what I could've done to prevent this little tragedy. 

But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.
2 Corinthians 12:9 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

My heart open wide

People don't follow God's laws or even attempt to let Him into their hearts. Even worse, they openly do things to defy God and yet somehow they think God owes them a happy life. I've been reading "The Naked Christian" and it's bringing up a lot of my own short comings & it's making me want to further avoid being part of the "they". It's so easy to slip back into old patterns of thought & behavior. But I know with God, even a messed up day or week or year or life, can be turned around if we choose to allow love to reign in our hearts.