Deep issues people battle can be caused by a number of things. A combination of flaws because this world is broken. But from reading and knowing people struggling with identity issues, I've come to the conclusion that many emotional issues we have, they stem from childhood. It can be as simple as never being listened to or as serious as sexual abuse. Lately, my son wants to pretend to be a baby, he floats in and out of his "baby" character and sometimes he says he is mommy while he's wiping the table, or he wants to be a dog or cat. In 10 minutes he can be all of these things. And to me it's just playful and his mind works fast. To the world, they would want to label him (ADD, ADHD, etc) and some would tell me not to play along. But I think, if I belittle his mind now as it is just turning on, what will that do?
Monday, April 27, 2015
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Big boy bed
Elijah chose to sleep in his own bed tonight. I laid beside him for 10 mins and he dozed off. I was told that co-sleeping leads to super clingy kids who never leave their parent's bed. As this chapter slowly closes, I regret nothing. And I miss him already even though this is the natural way it's supposed to be.
Sunday, April 19, 2015
I've spent a lot of time thinking this week, as I've had a cold. And I couldn't do much but survive the week. Too much TV in this house the last 5 days. // what struck me in such a profound way is how Elijah has changed so much since we moved to our homestead. We have 3 dogs, two cats, 1 bunny, 3 baby chicks (soon to be 18). There's a whole new part of Elijah's personality that has surfaced. One that we would have never seen without having animals. He is kind and wants to love every living thing. He sometimes loves a little hard and we have to teach him to be soft and gentle. I love seeing these new facets of Elijah's personality showing through. He is better for knowing how to care for animals. I love his open heart. He isn't afraid to love and be friendly. I pray as he grows, his love for Jesus and God's creation overpowers the negativity and this cold hearted world. #blessed.
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Today's tiny thought
I've been told that my breastfeeding photos are offensive by several people. And that a toddler nursing is even more disgusting than a baby. // But this is my life with our son. I'm not going to hide. Because it's wonderful and beautiful and fleeting. Whenever he feels insecure, anxious, mad, sad, happy (etc.) he knows he can find solace and comfort near my heart. He's slowly weaning himself. Usually he nurses maybe twice a day, if that. I trust that he will stop when he feels confident to do so. // A breastfeeding mother doesn't need negativity in regards to her decision to nurse. No mother needs the negativity. I've just found that nursing moms tend to get more comments here in MN because we are the minority. It isn't kind and it isn't fair to judge what you don't understand. #blessings