Thursday, September 28, 2017

Oswald Chambers

The “Go” of Renunciation
By Oswald Chambers

…someone said to Him, "Lord, I will follow You wherever You go." —Luke 9:57 
Our Lord’s attitude toward this man was one of severe discouragement, “for He knew what was in man” (John 2:25). We would have said, “I can’t imagine why He lost the opportunity of winning that man! Imagine being so cold to him and turning him away so discouraged!” Never apologize for your Lord. The words of the Lord hurt and offend until there is nothing left to be hurt or offended. Jesus Christ had no tenderness whatsoever toward anything that was ultimately going to ruin a person in his service to God. Our Lord’s answers were not based on some whim or impulsive thought, but on the knowledge of “what was in man.” If the Spirit of God brings to your mind a word of the Lord that hurts you, you can be sure that there is something in you that He wants to hurt to the point of its death.

Luke 9:58. These words destroy the argument of serving Jesus Christ because it is a pleasant thing to do. And the strictness of the rejection that He demands of me allows for nothing to remain in my life but my Lord, myself, and a sense of desperate hope. He says that I must let everyone else come or go, and that I must be guided solely by my relationship to Him. And He says, “…the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.”

Luke 9:59. This man did not want to disappoint Jesus, nor did he want to show a lack of respect for his father. We put our sense of loyalty to our relatives ahead of our loyalty to Jesus Christ, forcing Him to take last place. When your loyalties conflict, always obey Jesus Christ whatever the cost.

Luke 9:61. The person who says, “Lord, I will follow You, but…,” is the person who is intensely ready to go, but never goes. This man had reservations about going. The exacting call of Jesus has no room for good-byes; good-byes, as we often use them, are pagan, not Christian, because they divert us from the call. Once the call of God comes to you, start going and never stop.

Friday, September 22, 2017

He's growing up...

As I watch Elijah play at parks this summer, it has hit me how fast a child stops needing help in certain ways. He says "no mom, I can do it by myself" and as a parent you take a step back and watch as they tackle things. It's healthy for them to grow and develop independence. But for myself there's this moment. A moment where I realize, as a mom, that specific task to help my child has ended. He can dress himself, climb up trees and up the rope ladder all by himself. My role is still vital but it changes, I become an encourager more than a helper. All the times I helped him, have lead him to be confident and independent in these areas. What a beautiful and heart wrenching process. Motherhood is all encompassing. I feel tired but also I feel so much joy. One day I feel overwhelmed by how much my baby needs me and I pray for the energy to get through the day. And now, here I sit, with a son who doesn't need me in the same way. That time has gone and I can't get it back. I'll never regret putting everything I have to give into these beautiful souls. This is the greatest calling and achievement of my life. It's above my education and any other earthly title I could ever achieve. And as long as I'm able, I will help them when they need me. // 

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Assuming hurts

It's easy to forget that over the Internet, people don't actually know me. And I don't know them. They don't know how I live my every day life. They don't know that I have a generous heart and often give even when I'm exhausted. Or that I love being a friend and I go into friendships with everything I have. I pretty much do that with everything in my life. I don't want to ever do something half as good as I could. And sometimes I say more than I should when I'm passionate. I'm protective over the people I love. On social media, we have to take one another at our words typed out. And I've found the more we communicate online, the less we trust people. We try and read between the lines. We look for motives that aren't there. Or we simply don't believe what people say. We even put words into their mouths or assume things on people that aren't there. All because we are communicating without looking one another in the face. I'm guilty of it and it's a terrible feeling when people assume you have bad intentions. The following lyrics from "This is just so Beautiful" by Jenny and Tyler, were very comforting today. // I felt forgiveness in the deep recesses of my soul. I was so empty. And now I'm full. I'm whole. The world is cold and so very very cruel. But the sparrow in the roses reminds me there's still so much good. Yesterday is gone, today I can see. Oh today I believe. ✝️ // Matthew 10:31 // #instagramatemyblog #jennyandtyler

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Rep World Info

Okay so here goes:

My take on this rep world.

The brand repping world is a fun place. But when I joined it as a shop and novice photographer, I also felt like it had these rules in place. Some were unwritten and some were brought about because of the way shops do things. And it was assumed every shop was the same as far as their team. 
And there isn't always total transparency between shops and rep teams. As a team member we don't always know how big a shops team is, if they don't use fb. And then that shop requires monthly purchases. So a large part of their sales are from required purchases. It feels like the system is rigged in that regard. I've been working at trying to find a way in which everything works smoothly for me and my team. But it doesn't fit the normal guidelines; what everyone is used to within this rep world. 
Facebook groups help so much to open lines of communication between everyone. 
At first I just joined the system as it was. Labeled my team members, reps and enthusiasts. And then shortly after, came the title brand fans. So essentially every team has 3 levels. And I felt it left my own team disjointed vs naturally finding a rhythm. If that makes sense, it does in my head. 
And yes, some people have nice cameras, photog experience, more money, more time, etc. So they can get great photos and they are trustworthy. And within teams it's often known who the favorites are, and that bothered me.
Now I'm not saying this because I think it's bad that teams are run this way. But it is intimidating for those just starting or new to a team. It's just not how I wanted my team to be. It's not how I view people, everyone is special. Everyone can learn new skills and become better. And they can only do that if they are connected with other repping mamas. 
So, I don't have those three labels - Reps, Enthusiasts or fans - anymore. 
If your new to my team you're a "Bella Rookie" if you choose to stay on for a second term, you become part of the OG Team, a fun label brought to us by @the.emilybrown
And then, I have a core group of my girls who have said they are never leaving me, Bella Ambassadors/#OGforlife #bellasforlife. And as other Bellas tell me they are with me forever -- they've been not only great for my shop but as friends/supporters to me and other team members, I will offer them a chance to be ambassadors also.
Some have found my team to not be what they want and that is okay. But I do my best to make it a fun, loving and friendly environment for all. 

Purchase requirements? 

The topic of freebies and purchase requirements is one that comes up a lot. Who deserves freebies? Who doesn't? 
Should I require my team to purchase? It guarantees our shop business, but it isn't organic.
I have decided one purchase requirement for the term is fair. And I don't care when it's made, beginning or end. And it frees everyone up to decide how invested they want to be in my brand. No one is forcing them to shop. And I find it helps take off a sort of pressure that can come with repping. 

Since we are just a bow shop with fair prices, that could mean a simple $5 purchase. It's affordable. And it leaves my Bella Team free to make their purchase when they want to. They can wait for bows they love since our inventory changes often. And we are always releasing new things. Or they can purchase one from each different release. 

If we were clothing or when we grow and add clothing, I may take that purchase requirement away. And do pre orders or other things. But that's future plans. And I'll tackle that when we are there. 

So for now, I came up with a points system, and this is the first term I've been using it and it's working well so far. 
Each person is responsible for earning points and posting their screenshots in our fb group. 

I set up a photo album with each Bellas photo. They then comment their screenshots on their photo. And it helps me keep a record of freebies earned. 
I also fill out a google doc to help myself see the points earned all in one place.
Every 15 points is a freebie, and this may change as I see how the system works out. 
So much of this small shop game is trial and error. 

Advertising is important and so are photos taken of products.
The freebie system makes it even. And it also creates a fun place for my Bellas to get creative in ways they can earn points. And it all benefits our shop in different ways.

When I didn't know better I did give out freebies and I didn't get photos back from everyone. I no longer give free things to reps I don't already know. 
If I give freebies out and have to cover shipping costs and then I don't get photos back, it's too big of a loss. A loss of time I can't get back and money also. And it's discouraging. This way, everyone gets a chance to earn freebies. 
I also offer them the option to pay for shipping and I'll send their freebies to them if they don't want to purchase from the shop. So far everyone has purchased and then I throw in their freebies earned. 
And once I know a mama is true to her word, more freebies happen if I need help with photos. 

Okay that's everything for now. 
I may add to this later.