Friday, July 29, 2022

Discuss It.

 Having discussions with your children about pop culture is the key. 

We cannot run from it. It’s everywhere. And the songs are catchy and they get stuck.

We fill their lives with lots of great Christian songs. 

There are also songs about deep stuff and songs about fear but they go over the kids heads for now. And songs my kids say are boring. 

But the world has the songs about being a champion and other ones that sound so great. And pump you up. 

And ones about living in the moment. And yes many filled with selfishness and sin and we don’t listen to those, but I explained that this song on Sing 2, has bad parts and good parts - 

Halsey - could have been me.

Talking about being bad and dying last and not thinking through choices. 

But I also explained that it has good words too. Saying live better days each day. And I never want to look back and say “it could’ve been me”. 

I explained regret and how there are things in life that are right now. And we might not get another chance to say I love you or hug someone. Or learn things when we are kids, when our brain moves fast.

And she is right in the song to say

“I never want to look back and say it could’ve been me.”

I told them that wasting time and staying afraid will cause us to regret good and right things we didn’t do or nice things to say.

And I applied it to riding bike, monkey bars, learning a new skill, reading etc. 

Put it on their level. 

But I told them that we don’t want to forget Jesus - and that’s what this song is missing.

Living our lives selflessly for Jesus. He doesn’t make us do things or not do things. We have the freedom to choose.

And God also wants us to succeed & learn & grow. He doesn’t want us afraid and missing out on life. 

River listened to me and then I saw her watch that movie scene with the song later - and I saw her pumping herself up. And she went out yesterday with Elijah determined to ride her bike. 

She had been so so so afraid. So nervous. Crying. I prayed over her for the fear to leave. I commanded it to go. But here’s the kicker: our brains are in control. I showed her what to do. But it’s her mind and she has to decide internally. 

So I told her weeks ago, it’s up to her to decide. I won’t force it anymore because I don’t want to make her sad. I simply asked each day, want to bike train? She said no. 

But after I explained that Sing 2 song. Something changed.

God used a pop culture kids movie to help me get to River’s heart about riding her bike.

The longer I parent the more I see this very simple reality: 

Never ever ever stop talking about Jesus and Jesus and more Jesus. Never stop living His truth out loud for your kids to see.

Kids don’t understand hypocrisy so I never want to be hypocritical. Which means practicing what I preach. 

I tell them I don’t listen to bad music and they know it because they see me live it. 

Explain it all. Talk to them. Engage their brains. That’s it. That’s the key. 

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

28 weeks

 28 weeks.


In April 2012, When I was pregnant the 1st time I absorbed everything pregnancy, birth and baby from day one. I consumed a lot of information. And since then I’ve continued to learn.


I’ve prayed & meditated & wondered why God took us down a different journey this go around. And while I don’t claim to have all the answers, one thing is abundantly clear, the past 9 years of arming myself with the truth surrounding pregnancy & birth had an even greater purpose. That knowledge became a hedge of protection around my heart & mind.


In 2021, we faced doctors filled with fear who were ready to take control of our journey. But what they encountered was a husband & wife who could not be shaken.


The biggest take away for me is, never stop learning. Arming ourselves with facts & TRUTH protects our minds when fear tries to lie to us.


This journey has shown me so many things. But above all, God works everything out for good when we seek His Kingdom first and keep Jesus at the forefront of our hearts & minds. And even when it feels scary, uncertain or painful, He is there right beside us. But we have to be willing to look, to be still & see Him; His hands at work in mighty ways.

Continued on our blog...

The mainstream system WORKS for us. And when we keep that in mind & refuse to give them complete control over our lives, the fear that lurks in those buildings gets angry & frustrated. It was powerful to experience first hand.



We asked tough questions when they labeled us high risk & refused to change that even as my body healed.


When we were told “the goal is viability”. I held firm in my spirit that NO, the goal is full term, & homebirth if the evidence proves healing of the SCH. But I was also mentally preparing for having to seek a birth outside of our home if that’s what God willed. We’ve always held that view. 


It became abundantly clear that the doctors were never going to tell us I’ve healed to a point where I don’t need them. Because they believe they are always needed.

When we pressed them for “so is Jenni still high risk”? Our answer was “well we recommend continued monitoring every 4-6 weeks and a hospital birth.”

Yeah that did not answer our very simple question. 

Am I high risk?

I have zero other reasons to be high risk other than the SCH that has diminished to barely visible. And we could tell the Doctor didn’t even want to admit that or rejoice or say it out loud. Her fear was palpable. A fear that by telling us we aren’t high risk, THAT would give us complete reason to never return to that masky, bright, yellow tinged wall exam room ever again.


We will do what makes the most sense and gives us all the best outcome. Is that driving 60 miles to a hospital to be forced into tiny rooms with strangers in masks? For us, it isn’t.

The knowledge I have, is power. And I’m so thankful for the ability to learn & consume as much as I have over the years.


Arm yourselves with knowledge down any and every Avenue that interests you. It is worth it! Teach it to your children, live it out in front of them.

The same goes for Bible studying & learning. It’s never in vain and it’s always valuable. It calms our souls and renews our minds. 

Ok that’s the end of my rambling for today.

God is good! 

Romans 8:28