Tuesday, July 24, 2012

An amazing video!!

Another great video I watched today!! Just incredible!!! This explains how I feel about life in America these days!! I pray often that I can be this type of Christian. Someone who is studying Jesus DAILY!! Someone that doesn't think that going to church is the answer to everything. I dont ever want to get stuck thinking that a list of do's and don'ts will get me to Heaven. Because it won't happen. In the end, if we as HUMANS think that we can come up with a list of rules and ideas that we do inside of buildings WE have built, if we do all that.. We might as well spit right on Jesus as He HUNG on the cross. We have to be careful. Because what Jesus did for us is the most important thing. It isn't a secret. It needs to be shared with everyone we encounter. But if we put our human list of rules, ABOVE JESUS than we have it all wrong. It is important that we know the difference between religion and JESUS. JESUS is the answer. ONLY HIM. No rules or regulations written by MAN get us any closer to Heaven. Anytime we mess up JESUS forgives us. The rules in the Old Testament were written by GOD so that we could all see that we could NEVER live up to being Holy and perfect  enough on our own. BUT with JESUS it is about LOVE. It is about His BLOOD and sacrifice. It is about realizing that we have no way of getting to Heaven on our own!! And by thinking that we can with certain rituals and buildings, makes the sacrifice that Jesus did, insignificant in our human eyes. When that sacrifice should be THE MOST IMPORTANT THING!!

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