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Today I spent a lot of time thinking about life. And just can't believe how wonderful life can be when we choose to see the good things!! God has blessed us with so much and it is incredible!! Even though we make mistakes, God rewards us when we choose to follow Him. He sees that we choose Jesus. These days I truly do my best to follow after God. I spent far too many years being selfish. This world can easily suck you in and mess you up. It sure grabbed a hold of me. I used to be a dumb girl. I let my circumstances make me angry at God. I let the things of this world become brighter than Him. I can't take back those years. I know that now. I gave them to Jesus. I can tell that they are erased. I will never go back there. . I understand, people can't understand what we become when we find Jesus and want to become like Him. I realize they only know me as that dumb girl. I will continue to live down this straight and narrow path. I don't want to be part of the crowd and I don't want to let the world wrap it's cold dead fingers! around my neck ever again. I am enjoying the love of my Savior too much! :) ... This was just one of the things I was thinking about today. About my past and repenting for mistakes I made. And leaving them at the cross. Jesus' blood will wash away my guilt and shame. ..
Later on in the day, my mind wandered to thoughts about science and gravity. I mean wow. Look at the world around us. It is majestic and incredible. It lead my mind to wander to how things happen in life and we need to roll with the punches and make the best. We also need to understand that our choices are important. WE MATTER. Just because someone doesn't believe in God doesn't mean that Biblical principals won't still play out in their world. It is the same as gravity. a person can say gravity doesn't exist but the apple will always fall from the tree. Biblical principals still happen to people who don't fear God. That is why 'karma' and 'irony' and 'coincidences' exist.╰☆╮╰☆╮╰☆╮╰☆╮╰☆╮╰☆╮╰☆╮╰☆╮╰☆╮╰☆╮╰☆╮
I thought about friends and past relationships. Wondering where things went wrong. Or how things could have been different. I also reminisced about friendships that I would have loved to continue but the other person backed out. I just really want people to be real with me! I want them to tell me the truth. I get confused about how I am supposed to act in certain situations. I disagree with most everything society has to offer. And I just want a friend to feel the same way I do! And if that friend doesn't actually want to change or follow Jesus, well I would love it if they didn't pretend to my face that they are into it. I try so hard not to be hypocritical and to do right things! Just tell me you want to continue sinning and doing things that make God sad. Then I will let you go and stop putting my heart out there. It's hard to find friends because I don't want to drink anymore or even be around the party scene. Ugh. And I hate our culture for glorifying alcoholism. Pretty much means I am viewed as a horrible person for not wanting to be part of that culture. It also means that I get left in the dark. People keep things from me because they know I don't want to be associated with drinking parties and bars anymore. But I will let those people do what they do. And I will just be left on the outside. I also know that I have been the person at parties because it was "cool" and that means I cant tell other people they can and can't drink. I just wish people would want to stay sober and have a crazy fun time!! And that way I wouldn't feel weird when I see pictures on FB and I wouldn't feel like a big fat loser. All of that being said- This is the cost of being saved! And that is just that. :) I am glad for the few friends that God has sent me. And I am very thankful for the friends that I have right now. That pray for me and lift me up. God is good. I trust Him and know HE will provide me with everything I need.
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Psalm 127:3 (NKJV) ‘Behold, children are a heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is His reward.’
And because I am pregnant I have some thoughts regarding pregnancy that I would like to share. They may sound harsh but they are my feelings and my thoughts. I know God has laid them on my heart. I get upset and sad when I see Christian women NOT trusting God through their pregnancy. I believe natural childbirth is the choice our Father in Heaven wants us to choose. YES, it hurts and it is a lot of hard work. BUT it is the way God intended. I have done my research about epidurals and pitocin (artificial labor inducer hormone). Doctors have decided that labor is something that should be medicated and women don't need to feel their contractions.. It makes me sick. I guess if you aren't claiming to follow Christ, do what you want. I mean that is your choice. But for the women who believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, well, I hold you to a higher standard. God made us to trust Him with everything. So why do we take it into our own hands and induce and force a baby to come.. simply because we "want" it to happen. Yes there are certain situations where it is necessary. But those are not the cases I am referring to. I am referring to normal regular healthy situations.. I can't wait to have babies and let my God guide me through. He has perfect timing and He knows best. It's weird how Christ following women don't give their pregnancies to Jesus also! COME ON ...
1Tim. 2:15 But women will be saved through childbearing - if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety. (Emphasis added)
"The word ‘saved’ in the above verse is the Greek word Sozo and means: to save, keep safe and sound, to rescue from danger or destruction from injury or peril, to save a suffering one from perishing, (i.e. one suffering from disease, to make well, heal, restore to health) and to preserve one who is in danger of destruction.
This scripture is not saying that this is how we receive our salvation but it is a benefit of our salvation. We are saved wherever we are and we can claim the benefits of salvation at that time.
Therefore, though there are difficulties and dangers in giving birth, women will be delivered and saved from suffering, perishing and preserved from danger or destruction in childbirth if they continue in faith, charity, and holiness, with sobriety (sober-mindedness, soundness of mind, self-control)." -http://www.newlifeministries.com.au/What%20God%20Says/childbirth/childbirth.html
Genesis 3:16 ESV / 16 helpful votes
To the woman he said, “I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children. Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you.”
This is an explanation for the above Bible verse that I found in my Bible... --->"The punishment placed on man and woman as well as sin's effect on nature, were meant to remind people of the terrible consequences of sin and cause them to trust, rely, and obey God. The consequences God pronounced on humans were meant to lead them back to dependence on God. " - Fire Bible student addition.
These are the thoughts I found on the website I listed right after this quote..."The midwives themselves said it best - "Hebrew women are not like Egyptian women." Because the Hebrew women feared God, their births were somehow different. Not only did God bless their births spiritually, but their birth practices were different. Egyptian women who were used to lying around and being waited on hand and foot gave birth in the same manner, passively lying on a bed, enduring the experience. Hebrew women, according to this passage, were vigorous throughout their births, and gave birth often with no help from anyone before the midwife arrived, or gave birth in an upright position on a birth stool if the midwife got there before the birth took place. It also stated that, even if the midwife did arrive in time for the birth, that her task was simply to "observe" them on the birth stool. She was a trained observer who watched for difficulties, but otherwise stayed out of the way. For centuries, this is the way all women of faith gave birth." -http://www.unhinderedliving.com/birthbasis.htmlA quote to ponder.."When someone is pregnant, she is not “expecting a child” – she already has one. She is not “going to be a mother” – she already is a mother. The baby is not “on the way,” the baby has already arrived. If we are going to change the way society treats unborn children, we have to change the way we talk about them." -Frank Pavone, 7/7/12
╚══`.Jesus, and you.

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