Friday, September 28, 2012

Update from mama...

I totally realized that I haven't posted anything about baby in a few weeks. We have been so busy and sometimes I just forget to write a quick blog entry. But I have some time before bed to quick type up some amazing things that have been going on..

We set up the crib and it is really cute! I am thankful that a friend let us borrow it until she has grandchildren in 10 years.. LOL

We have also purchased lots of books, toys, and a cute toy chest. I will post photos another time. 

The little one is kicking and moving around A LOT these days. 
I have been playing lots of classical music for the baby. I just set my phone on my belly and let it play. I like to picture the baby dancing in there. Because he or she sure does wiggle around when the music plays!! 
This experience is so beautiful. It really is special time just mommy and baby. This is time you can never get back. I am so glad I am blessed with a hard working husband. :) I love him! 

I am going to post photos in order... from 21 weeks until 28 weeks (this week) 

21 weeks

23 weeks

23 weeks, 3 days
24 weeks, 
24 weeks, 3 days!
25 weeks, 1 day!
26 weeks!!
27 weeks, 4 days
27 weeks, 5 days!
28 weeks, 1 day!
28 weeks, 1 day!

I have watched several documentaries about birth in America! They are wonderful and every woman should watch them! They are on Netflix. Here is a trailer! I am also posting the bullet points that stuck out to me. Quotes from celebrity women who gave birth naturally. THE ONLY WAY! Unless there is a serious problem.---- Not just a lame excuse from a doctor....
  • "Midwives are hands off and more faith is involved. More faith in the natural process. Too much information takes away the mother's instincts". -Kim Williams-Paisley (Brad Paisley's wife)
  • "Due dates arent't real". More Business of Being Born.
  • "Anytime in the last month is normal". Ina May Gaskin
  • "80% of first time moms go "over due". Ina May Gaskin
  • "It is an illusion that inductions are necessary. 10 - 15% induction rate should be the max. - Ina May Gaskin
  • "It is safe to eat during labor". Ina May Gaskin
  • "2500+ babies delivered naturally and no autistic children". -More Business of Being Born (MBOBB).
  • "When we are pregnant, we are not sick. We are stonger. Why would it be that God would make you weaker? You are stonger". -Cindy Crawford, MBOBB.
  • Your uterus does the work. It gets the job done at it's own pace.
  • Doctors say: A normal low risk pregnancy can become high risk, life or death, without warning, within minutes and there's just no way to transfer in time.....Midwife says: You know, I cannot think of a time where we had a low risk go to a high risk without red flags. There are some red flags that occur. If we see one we watch close. If 2 come up we transfer to the hospital. 
  • Stimulate the clitoris during labor, if it is comfortable for mom
  • When men came into the birth process they made it modest and not about sex
  • Ovulation and cycle length change it all and determine gestation period, but it is still a waiting game
  • Stay with natural childbirth until you see a real IMPASSE and then you do something (intervention) - Ina May Gaskin 
  • We have questions about all medicines given during labor. Baby gets the medications from the placenta. What happens to the baby when this cocktail of drugs is introduced to a brand new human?? Where is the research? We don't know what all that does. We should be curious about these questions".
  • "When you put ultrasound waves on some cells it changes the cell size. What does it do to the DNA of that small baby's cells? This is a concern".
  • Studies have been done to link ultrasounds to autism. 
  • 2800 births performed by the midwives on the farm (Ina May Gaskin's farm) and NO autistic children. 
  • The midwives have deliver 2800 babies and their c-section rate is 1.7%
  • The c-section rate in the U.S. as a whole is 37% as of 2007.
  • Doctors used to know things with their hands that they don't know anymore because they didn't learn it in medical school. 
  • Graduating OB/GYNs have most likely NEVER seen a regular natural birth
  • Midwives visualize a problem and solve it if they can.. 
  • "If we really want to know the truth, we should be curious enough to find out what the truth is". -Ina May Gaskin
  • A higher value on mother's lives needs to happen
  • "It is safe to eat during labor". -Ina May Gaskin
  • "Midwives ask, "how do you feel"? instead of testing and disecting". - Kim Paisley
  • "I don't want to not have the birth I want because I'm scared" -Alyson Hannigan.(Lily, from How I met your mother)
  • "Early laboring was beautiful and calm and quiet. We relaxed and ate and enjoyed each-other". Alanis Morisette
  • "I was in deep prayer and meditation"Alanis Morisette
  • "Labor is a natural drug trip". Alanis Morisette
  • "I spent my whole life doing things to escape my body and for the first time, I was doing something that lead to the greatest euphoria I have ever felt, but I had also never felt so in touch with my body". Alanis Morisette
  • "We carry the pro-creative imperitive in our body. It is the culmination of the entire reason we are here, on a physical level". Alanis Morisette
  • "I needed to labor. No one can do it for you. You have to do it". - Cindy Crawford
  • "The resistance of something is what makes it painful". -Gisele Bundchen, brazillian fashion model
  • "After every contraction I thought, I am that much closer to meeting my baby. All the time spent talking to my baby and meditating about my baby, I was so excited to meet this little being".. -Gisele Bundchen, brazillian fashion model
  • "There are so many things you do in life to be successful. And so many things others do for you to help you. There is no question about who delivered my baby.. I did it. That is my success". - Cindy Crawford
  • "It is an out of body experience but at the same time you are SO in your body. I was praying, I was with God" -Kellie Martin,
  • "The biggest love I have ever felt" . -Gisele Bundchen, brazillian fashion model
  • "My job as a mom, was to breathe relax and trust my body and allow my body to do what it naturally does. We need to stay calm and allow the baby to do what it needs to do". Gisele Bundchen, brazillian fashion model 



Remember: Jesus Saves!! God Bless and Goodnight!! 

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