Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Thoughts from this mama

Since becoming a mom Many things have become apparent to me.
All the expert advice is annoying.
I feel like my instincts Are better than any advice that anyone could give me.
Mostly because I know my baby and my baby knows me. And the two of us seem to coexist very well together.
I am seeing that in America we think that if our baby is sleeping alone and putting themselves to sleep and in their own room by 6 to 8 months old that we have succeeded.
But as I have studied other cultures especially indigenous cultures and families it seems that they spend a lot more time together. Mom's only main job is to take care of the children and provide food. And they don't seem annoyed about that. They seem to enjoy it. The children appear very well-adjusted to their life and independent. Even though they all closely. Live together. And depend upon one another.
I'm starting to see what we have lost in our culture. As Christians. As mothers. Mothering appears to be A burden! And it doesn't seem like women are enjoying themselves while they are doing it.
I don't find myself annoyed with every dirty diaper or spit up or what have you. I feel joy inside of my heart knowing I am caring for another human being.
I don't worry if my son will sleep through the night or if he won't or if he is going to nurse every two hours or when was the last time he . I just go with his flow. One day he may eat every two hours on the dot. And that is fine. However, there are some days where He will eat Every three hours but then he wants to eat an hour later. It is constantly changing.
Either way it all seems to work out fine. I truly believe you cannot spoil an infant.
I also feel God telling me that as I don't worry about what is to come I am taking a burden off of my own shoulders. Worrying causes us to be stressed. Which will rub off on our children.
It is our duty as women to set the tone in our households.
I am really seeing that it is about what is best for baby. What his little body needs is the most important thing. And even though I could start him on cereal or some whole milk or some formula and it would sit in his stomach and keep him feeling full all night long and then I could get a full nights rest. But I would rather nurse my baby and have to feed him two or three times in the night because I know that is what is best for his digestive system and for his future. But I've also seen that I have been blessed with a baby who is calm and collected and enjoys sleeping. I do like to believe that is because I am being selfless and doing all I can for him.
I am doing what I know is right in Gods eyes. Thinking about his well being above ALL!
And even though I have to feed him 2-3 times each night, it isn't stressful and I am not tired at all. I am glad to do it!
I love him to pieces!
He is a great baby!
I know we have been blessed with a baby that doesn't cry very much!
But even if he was crying and upset, I would still sacrifice for him. And I wood still nurse him!

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