Saturday, April 20, 2013

Visiting Auntie Kiah!

We are about to spend the weekend with my sister in Minneapolis! I am excited to see her! It has been far too long! I will update as to how the weekend goes once we are back home.
So far, we have hit 80 billion pot holes! Gotta love Minnesota Roads after winter ends! Yikes!

Elijah is asleep. He is teething and his left cheek is a little swollen. We are going to lunch with my sister. And then we are going to meet Kiah's nanny family and babysit their daughter •A• for the day! Kaleb is going to go see a movie with a friend later on this evening!

More updates to come!

We had a great weekend!
Saturday we hung out until we had to go babysit •A• (kiahs nanny family)
Kaleb picked us up Chinese food. Then Kiah, Eli and myself went to babysit. Kaleb had movies and shows on tv he wanted to catch up on.

I loved hanging out with Kiah and •A•
She is a sweet little girl!
A thinker

She warmed up to me and we played and giggled!

We babysat til 10:30pm
We went home (Kiah's) and hung out with Kaleb. We watched Parks and Rec and talked.

I miss my sister!

Moving to be 3 hours from her is scary for me! And I'm sure, for her as well.

Sunday, we decided to sleep in and relax. I didn't want to go to a church because our time with Kiah is precious.

We wanted to sleep in, but Elijsh was up at 7! But only for an hour, then he slept 8-11

Praying his sleep schedule isn't too screwed up!

Sunday was fun! We all woke up at 11 and just had a lazy afternoon with Ebear. Kaleb ventured out into the rain and picked up burgers from Five Guys! That food was amazing! A burger and fries has 900 calories! good thing breast feeding burns 500 calories just creating the milk! We relaxed until 4pm {we had to! Those burgers were intense!} then we made our way to Costco and Ikea!

Kaleb loves Costco!
He found his Birthday gift, luggage!
His mom is buying it for him!
He is excited for his next business trip so he can try them out!
We also bought the usuals:
Bulk diapers- size 3 nowadays
Bulk wipes! They last a long time! I am set for another 4 months or more!
Elijah clothes! I found some cute onesies! And a sleeper-bib-pants-onesie set!
We also found a "tank top onesie" my brother will appreciate that! He loves man tanks!

I love the popular nautical theme this year!

"Captain Cutie"
"SSS Cutie"

My dad was in the Navy so the boats and such make me smile big!

After Costco we went to IKEA!

I K E A!!

What a great place! I found some super cute lantern decorations!
I also found a cute orange moose stuffed animal! It made Ebear laugh out loud and giggle! Probably because he wants to chew/gum it and slobber all over it!

My sister is shopping for a bed! We found one! So exciting! She will buy it this week! And gave it delivered!
She is growing up!
We are all grown up now! Well, almost! Our little sister is 17! She is almost done with her 11th grade year of high school!

It was fun to visit! I can't believe we are old enough to visit one another!
The love between sisters is unbreakable and such a thing to cherish!
I thank God for the sisters He has blessed me with!
We know that no matter what happens we have each other!!

The drive home went quick! As usual, I cried a bit! I miss Kiah and leaving is hard! I wrote this blog entry to distract my brain! And we only had to stop once to feed Ebear!

The last few photos of Elijah were taken right when we got home! So happy to be out of his car seat!

God Bless you all!

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