Friday, November 15, 2013

More November Thankfullness

November Challenge || Day 1 || I am thankful for Jesus. He set me free. He redeemed me. He reminds me what sacrifice truly looks like. He is love. 

Day 3 // I am thankful for our son, Elijah. While I was pregnant there were so many hopes and dreams about who this little life would be. What he/she would look like, act like, smell like and just who the little person would be. It's amazing that my ideas and thoughts were nothing in comparison to who this child has turned out to be. God knows best and He has given us exactly what our family needed. I am speechless and in awe of this little boy. He's more amazing than I could've imagined. Without a doubt, God's creative ways surpass anything I could've pictured in my mind. Every single day, I love our bugsy more and more. 

Day 4 \\ I am thankful for Yvonne Kay Zupke. If you knew all that she deals with, I know you'd all be blown away by her. When times get rough, she allows The Lord to sustain her and keep her afloat. She finds joy in the little things. She chooses to put her children first. She prays and forgives. She is a great cook. She does not complain, when believe me there is plenty to complain about. She doesn't doubt who God is and chooses to include Him in her everyday life. She is my mother and I love her!

Day 5 // I am thankful Kiah (@kiahzupke) and Gina <@ginazupke>. They are kind and thoughtful. They make me better. They are good listeners. They are strong. They have many similar qualities but they are also very different. We enjoy our time together. We laugh and joke and sometimes cry. It is exciting to look forward to the future. There may be age differences but our hearts are linked forever. I feel blessed and honored to know them. I need both of these women more than words can express. God was looking out for me when he created them. They are my sisters, my friends. I love you, both!

 // Day 6 // Today, I am thankful to be American. We are free. And I take that for granted far too often. Most of my days are worry free. And our fears are small and I thank God for that. — 

❄️Day 7 || Today, I am thankful for our health. I have not been sick since February and neither has Elijah. And Kaleb has been healthy also. We have traveled the country and God has kept us well. 

Day 8 /// Today I am thankful for my car. Soni has been so reliable and I love her. I am enjoying every day I get to drive this car. It is apparent that whenever we have a 2nd child we will need to get a bigger vehicle. But for now, she's still my baby. 

Day 9 || Today, I am thankful for two people. 1. Stephanie Lynn Pierce for introducing me to (the 2nd person) Amanda. An old friend gave me a new friend! And it's been a wonderful year! So thanks, Steph! And thanks, Amanda, for having us over today. And for being such a light in a dark place and an irreplaceable friend. You truly are an answer to my prayers! 

Day 10 \\ Today, I am thankful to have two wonderful churches to attend. Each one uplifts my soul in a different & beautiful way. I feel blessed to have been raised to know the truth about this life. I may struggle but I am free to do that. And I always know, my God is for me.

Day 11 // Today, and every day, I am so thankful for the men and women in the military. My dad is retired Navy. He went to nuclear power school and did several tours on submarines. Patriotism is something that has been instilled in us since birth. We enjoy our freedom because others dedicated and/or gave their lives to protect this nation. As I see our culture become more and more selfish, I always think of the military personnel because they are the ultimate vision of sacrificial humans.
Jesus said, There is no greater sacrifice than laying down your life for another.
God Bless America! 

️11/12/13 || Today, I am thankful for a warm house; as we all should be. Every year all I hear is complaints about the cold. Then summer comes and it's complaints about the warmth. I don't want to waste my time complaining anymore. I know it's crazy cold but we live in Minnesota. It isn't a shock, it's how the weather is every year, like clockwork. I'm going to do my very best this year & not complain. I have re-taken up crocheting and sewing. I will fill my free time with indoor hobbies. I will photograph the beauty outside when I can. And I will remain grateful every day that I'm not frozen. 

Day 13 // Today, I am thankful for digital photography; plain and simple

Day 14 // Today, I am thankful for my washer and dryer.

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