Friday, December 20, 2013

You're gonna miss this. .

How can I stand here with You, and not be moved by You {God}. 

As I wake up, I am so thankful for my life and for the life of our son. It's been a rough week. --Not all smiles and laughs. There have been tears and tantrums. There have been swollen gums and headaches. Here have been restless nights. But with God's help, we get through it. My senses have been on crazy overload lately. My skin especially has just wanted to be left alone. But that's a battle between my flesh and what's right. Just because I feel a certain way or have an inclination to curl up and be left alone for a while (2 hours or so) that isn't an option with a breastfed, rambunctious 11.5 month old. And my feelings must be set aside for him. Especially when it comes to nutrition and his health. So I keep going and praying and do the task at hand! It's worth it in the end to have moments like this. I will miss this when it's gone. I don't want to miss it while it's here. 

 I am amazed at the handiwork of God. And so thankful for what Jesus has done in my life and the lives of all who know Him.

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