Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Sickness can't stay any longer.


Elijah started vomitting on Sunday night around 10pm. He threw up all over me and himself while in the recliner. 

Poor baby. I hate seeing him suffer and be scared. The look off right in his eyes broke my heart. 

I used every last towel in the house to catch the puke. 

All night it continued. 

K stayed home from work Monday to help us. Such a life saver as I did not sleep at all. I nodded off for minutes at a time. But then Elijah would vomit again. 

He only threw up 3 times yesterday. Better than 3 times an hour. He also slept 7 hours on and off napping. 

BREASTFEEDING IS AMAZING! Elijah's saliva tells my body to put specific antibodies into the milk. If this is a sickness I have already had, then my body helps heal Elijah's by sending in reinforcements through my milk. 

Last night, Elijah slept 5 hours. Woke. Nursed. Slept 4 hours. I specifically prayed for 5 hours straight sleep. Because my body was struggling. 


Prayer answered.

I spent most of my waking hours praying for my sweet boy. Laying my hands on him and blessing and speaking health over him. I love knowing we hold the power of Jesus with us as we pray. I get chills thinking about how he has made us all royal priests. In Christ, we have a mighty force behind us. The force that calms the waves and the force that slows the wind. 

God cares when we are sick. 

Don't ever feel like your problems are too small. 

God hears you.  

Kaleb laid hands on Elijah and prayed for him, too when he woke in the morning on Monday. 

Today, Elijah is doing better. 

Just diarrhea which is better than vomit. 

I had to share, this

Seeing the ground makes my heart soar! Every year I come to a place of feeling like the characters in the Lion, the witch and the wardrobe. Narnia, ALWAYS WINTER! 

Every day I ask God to show me beauty and to keep my eyes on the small things. This winter has been rough. Today as I was washing vomit soaked towels and blankets for a second time {{cause the smell lingers}} I saw the grass out the window and it made me so happy!

Have a blessed day! 

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