The boys had coughs so the clinic made them wear masks. So funny.

Where has the time gone?
Elijah turned 15 months April 2!! I can't believe it! It's unreal.
He is a handful but so much fun.
He wakes up smiling. He goes to bed smiling. He smiles all the time.
He has several different smiles too. I can tell when he's being mischievous or when he's being flirty.
The last 3 weeks he has started pouting. It takes all of my concentration to hold back the laughter cause he just looks so cute. He plods off after I take something from him or say no to him. He goes over to our live seat and leans on the cushion bent over with his head down. Then he slowly peaks up to see if anyone is watching him with a twinkle in his black pearly eyes. And sometimes he has a slight cheeky grin. But I grit my teeth and don't make a peep or a facial expression. I don't want him to get the wrong idea. Pouting isn't a joke. He sure knows how to lay it on thick.
Elijah has been fighting sleep. So we have been using essential oils to calm him and massage and basically wearing him out real good. I knew spring would be hard because he wants to be outside every second. But it's been chilly and E has been battling a cold. So I'm careful not to over exert him.
Luckily car rides still knock him out cold. So for nap time, now that my car is fixed, I strap him in and we drive and he falls asleep.
Side note:: my husband and dad are amazing mechanical geniuses!
The timing belt broke and after replacing that found that it was not making compression in cylinder 4 which meant it had bent a valve. So they decided to get all new valves, cams, lifter and valve stems. And they installed them all! Amazing!
Back to regular schedules programming::
Elijah is not saying many words. But if you say, say _____. He attempts a sound. He says::
"puh puh" for picture. Means he wants to take a selfie usually. Or sometimes he just wants my phone which is a no no.
"Ma ma" when he wants to nurse or when he's hurt.
"DDAAH" is daddy. He runs to the door throughout the day and gets a sad look on his face and wants Kaleb.
"Aah aa aah" is what a monkey says. He won't say the Ooo part of "Ooo oo Aaahh Aaahh". But he's got the end part down pat.
He signs the motion for please which is him rubbing my tummy or shirt. Sometimes he says "pleh" and rubs.
It's the only sign language word that stuck. I tried hungry and food and I am still using them but he just giggles at me and doesn't mimic. He only mimics please. I am also signing thank you. But he just stares at me likes, you're crazyyyy, mom.
He enjoys Legos and little people toys.
He loves his puppy Scout. But sometimes he gets upset and throws him. And then pouts when I say, no throwing your puppy.
He is really coming into his own little person and it's so fun to see him discover his world.
He has been down to one nap a day since November. But I will take one nap over none.
Thanks to Young Living "Peace and Calming" oil, Elijah mellows out a little better. But he does get easily energized.
We are still nursing strong. About every 4-5 hours. And Elijah eats with me every meal.
He loves applesauce and French fries.
He loves pizza.
He loves graham crackers and peanut butter. --Just like his mama.
He hates touching slimy foods so he uses a fork and spoon very nicely for a 15 mo old.
So far his favorite food has been my moms chicken and potato creamy soup. He can't get enough!! Literally, he ate over 3 cups of it for one meal. But it's so healthy, I just let him eat it slowly until he was as full.
He also thoroughly enjoys spaghetti and I'm so glad! It's my go to meal of noice! My favorite food on the planet. Original family recipe for spaghetti sauce and linguine noodles. YUM! And Elijah loves it too!
He's had a little bit of hamburger, chicken and a tiny bit of venison jerky from the deer Kaleb shot in the fall. But that's all for meat so far.
We are resting him for allergies because he had a hire of fish and through up everywhere. I want to be safe and make sure he's okay.
I could write forever.
But I will just abruptly stop here.
Elijah is a gift. I am beyond words that God entrusted me with this tiny human. I always daydream about Elijah forming in my womb. As God was knitting his soul together and forming his tiny perfect body, I was praying and waiting to meet him. God surpassed any of my dreams. Reality is better than any dream I could muster up in my mind.
I can't wait to teach Elijah all about Jesus and see him come to love Jesus as much as Kaleb and I do.
We are blessed.
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