Saturday, May 17, 2014

A little update...

Man oh man time flies right on by! I can't believe our "baby" is almost 17 months old! Which means he is almost at his 18 month milestone. It doesn't feel real. 

Every day he changes more and more. 

In the last two weeks his language has grown tremendously. 
•He says bye, hey, hi, yeah, mmmhmmm, cra cra (cracker), breh (bread), nah (no). 
He waves bye, in his own way. And it is so cute! And he sign languages "please" by rubbing me for nursing or his shoes when he wants them on. Basically he rubs the things he wants or his own tummy and that's my favorite!! And now he mimicks "ssshhhh" and it's so stinking cute!
•When he hears the theme song to Gilmore Girls, he dances a cute little jig. We listen to 30-40 mins of Christian worship music each morning. It's fun to watch him waves his hands. 
•I've been stretching and doing yoga and Elijah tries his hardest to do it too! He copies his aunt when she visits and does yoga. It melts my heart.
•For some reason, he's been obsessed with my toe nails. I painted them pink and he keeps trying to touch my toes. So we are working on that. Because I don't want him touching my feet all the time. 
•He would rather drink out of my camelbak and other water bottles with straws. He has never enjoyed sippy cups. He sees us drinking McDonald's sweet teas and wants to use that big cup. 
•He constantly wants me to put his shoes on. Then he takes them off and we put them back on. I know he understands that shoes means outside. But it has been cold, in the mid 40-50s. Yuk. And we haven't been able to be out as much as I would like. I feel like we won't ever be warm. 
•for a while he wouldn't eat his puff snacks. Then one day he started liking them again. 
•he has been extremely picky. I won't label him as a picky eater. I refuse to do that. Because I believe the more you say things out loud the more life you give them. And being a picky eater is negative. And I won't label him. He enjoys breast feeding SO much. So for now I just keep eating lots of healthy foods and taking vitamins and he can nurse as much as he likes. 
For me, he refuses to eat things. But not for Kaleb. So I see it as more of a disciplinary issue. I refuse to give up. Every day I offer him foods. And I know he will eat them eventually. For now, we usually have applesauce and peanut butter toast for breakfast and turkey and lettuce sandwiches for lunch and those are his favorites. And he loves pizza. But dairy doesn't agree with him so I remove the cheese. He also loves Kaleb's venison beef sticks. I'm glad we got some that aren't spicy.
•he doesn't like water in his eyes. But he likes to be in the water! 

•he loves to hide and then he laughs and laughs when I find him. It's our favorite game!
•He gets sad when K leaves for work or when he goes outside without him or when K has to go to bed before us; which happens most nights. 
•Sleep has been so sporadic. Elijah fights sleep for about 3 days then has two days of great sleep. That has been the pattern. And when all else fails, we go for a drive and he sleeps hard. It is hard to wear him down and get all his energy out.  But I do my best. Lots of tickling and playing. I can't wait til it's hot and we can set up a pool!! That will wear him out really nice! But when he sleeps he sleeps so beautifully and looks so cute!
•His favorite toys right now are Scout his Vtech talking puppy, books of all kinds, and he still loves his baby toy that is a blue elephant-->Best purchase EVER!
•I recycle and Elijah loves helping me bag up water bottles and stack up the cardboard! I have been teaching him to smash the boxes. So cute to watch him stomp on them! I fill a bucket with water bottles. And he loves to throw them in the bucket. He also likes to dump them back out. It provides for hours of fun! 
•he listens really well most days but when I say no, he plops himself down on his butt and flops back. Usually hitting his head on the floor. I am glad we have soft carpeting. I am also redirecting this behavior. Because it is unacceptable. For so long, Elijah's behavior has been ahead of his understanding. And finally it seems his language and understanding has caught up. And that is so exciting! He fully understands when I say things now! 
• Dirt is his favorite!
 •fun fact: on May 28, he's been wearing these PJs for ONE YEAR!!
It's easy to forget how chubby your baby was once they lose the baby fat. 

We had a lovely time on Mother's Day. Even though the night prior was sleepless. Elijah was having a rough night I believe it was a growth spurt. 

I could go on and on about this child. I feel blessed beyond measure to be his mother. God created his soul in my womb and He knew what he was doing. The Bible says

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb"
PSALM 139:13
I take that to mean that my soul was created in the womb. Isn't that our in most being? I find this idea to be miraculous! Every baby in the womb is a soul that God knit together at the moment of conception. 
I get chills as I think about it! 
It is my honor to be the house for my child(ren) for 10 months! 

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