Monday, May 5, 2014

Being social


He makes good points. But for me, personally, I have many reasons I enjoy my social media. 

1. I met Kaleb partly because of Facebook. He saw my profile picture and wanted to meet me. 

2. I can share photos with our far away family & friends. 

3. I have made several great friends because of social media! A dear friend of mine was introduced to me using Facebook. I also have Friends that I may never get to meet until this life is over. Hoping to make it happen. But one of them is in Aussieland and another is in Ohio. 

4. I have been able to help people and show them God's love. I may never fully know the impact my posts about Jesus have made. And that's okay with me. 

5. Right now, in this season of my life, I can't go volunteer and I don't want a different job because I don't want to leave Elijah with someone else. Being able to stay connected is my way of sharing the Love of God with the world. 

6. As a mother staying home, I enjoy my social media. In our area, I'm home here out in the country, with E & everyone else is working. Without Facebook and Instagram it can start to feel lonely. 

I keep a balance. I make sure to unplug. I don't spend tons of time scouring the internet. I mostly just share things then go about my day. 

Like right now, baby boy is sleeping and I'm relaxing since we just had a crazy busy weekend. I will write this and then get back to reading my kindle book. :) 

7. I have been able to post my crocheted items and it has created several opportunities to make and sell items at a fair price. And it has been fun to see the posts when the people receive their merchandise from me! 

I like to post photos and articles and share my experiences. But with everything there is a balance. And it is important that we take time to do real things that far outnumber the time we spend plugged in. 

This video makes a good point. And we should all unplug. But for my current place in life. It's fun to be able to have social media as an outlet since I stay home. And there really aren't like minded mothers near me. And I don't want to leave my child at home to go have coffee or lunch with someone. 

So for now, I stay connected with my friends and family on Facebook and Instagram. It is a wonderful way to remain in the lives of people we can't physically be close to!  

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