Our "baby" is 19 months old? I mean wow. I had no illusions and I knew the time would go by fast. And it really has. The only things I couldn't anticipate were my emotions.
They are all over the place!
I am really loving this stage.
E changes daily. And I swear he grows an 1/8 of an inch in his legs everyday!
They are so so long! It's so adorable! He's gotten too tall for 13 month pants BUT they fit in the waste. I am going to have to take in his 18 month pants for winter. Or we may be using yarn as belts.
He is thin but he eats like a horse! And he still nurses maybe 3-4 times in 24 hours. And it is still such a lovely relationship. I will miss it when it's gone. But hopefully by then I will be pregnant and or have a baby. :)
E loves to color on the sidewalk with chalk & he likes to use crayons on paper. I am so glad because we will have some winter activities to keep us busy!
He says bye, hi, goodie goodie, hello, no, yes, mmhhmm, heeeyyy, mom, daddd, papa, ah-boo-dah (we arent sure what he is trying to say, he says this when he wants something. He signs please all the time, especially for food, to be held and to nurse.
I tried teaching him other signs but please is the only one that stuck. If he is in his car seat and wants something he signs please right away. It is so darling!
He says bye, hi, goodie goodie, hello, no, yes, mmhhmm, heeeyyy, mom, daddd, papa, ah-boo-dah (we arent sure what he is trying to say, he says this when he wants something. He signs please all the time, especially for food, to be held and to nurse.
I tried teaching him other signs but please is the only one that stuck. If he is in his car seat and wants something he signs please right away. It is so darling!
We were going to start trying for another babe in July. But since we are now trying to buy a home. Or I should say we ARE buying a farm site. I don't want to be pregnant and moving. I want to be able to put in hard labor.
We have to paint the cupboards and all the walls. And we are going to re-do the hardwood floors upstairs and on the main level. Right now the floors are all carpeted except one room - my future sewing/homeschool/computer room. I'm excited! We are also picking out brand new washer and dryer!! We have hook ups for a gas dryer so that's what we will be buying! I can't wait! The washer we found has a lid that closes slowly! YAY for no more smashing little baby fingers in the washer lid. E tries to help, and shut the lid but it slams and he gets hurt. Lots of tears shed over the washing machine lid!
Here are some photos from our 19 month shoot in the backyard! Can't wait til we have more open space for photographs!!
Here are some photos from our 19 month shoot in the backyard! Can't wait til we have more open space for photographs!!
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