Friday, October 10, 2014

Fear has lost.

My thoughts on fears that grip us, make us stand still in fright & stop us from moving forward:

I say. Write down each fear and under each fear find a Bible verse that disputes that fear! And take time and say outloud, not in your head. Outloud so the demons can hear you, that JESUS wins!
 "The darkness will not win because Jesus is my savior." 
"My soul belongs to Jesus."
"I will not be afraid because Jesus is with me"
I struggle terribly being afraid of the dark. It grips me often. But I refuse to let it take hold. We cannot!! WE CANNOT CONQUER THESE TYPES OF FEARS ALONE! God commands us to fear not because He is with us. I sing "Jesus, lover of my soul. Jesus I will never let you go" every time the feeling over come me. God gives us the tools in the Bible to conquer anything. But we have to actively do our part. We have to lay our fears at the foot of the cross and cover them in the blood of Christ. If Jesus can conquer death, He can and will help us conquer our fears. But we have to include him. We have to demand the demon of fear leave us alone. It is important that we truly understand who we are in Christ. That constant truth has helped me face the darkness without fear. I have found that with this fear it takes more than prayer. It takes action. It takes facing the darkness with Christ. Every single time I have to go outside in the dark, I talk out loud. There is immense power in Jesus' name. Sometimes it's all I can do to just speak His name. The fear sneaks up on me. If I sit here and claim to believe the God of the Bible is real, then that means that I have to believe He will meet me where I am. And He has and always will. 
Dear one, fear is how Satan torments us. He sits back and laughs as we tremble. But he's the truly scared one. He's Scared that he has already lost. Scared that Jesus has your soul. 
If anyone ever needs prayer feel free to find me on Instagram & snap chat ::: @mamaholzhauer 
Twitter: @jensavedbygrace 

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