Tuesday, September 1, 2020

The ONE thing

 I will never stop asking this. When is the magical unicorn day this mass hysteria stops? 

15 days turned into 30 that now turned into almost 6 months of constant lies & manipulation.  

Do people not see that the haters of America have found the ONE thing that people are willing to roll with to lose freedoms?? They’ve been looking for that THING since America was founded. 

This is it. Anyone dissenting is called selfish because this is about safety.  They found the ONE thing that cancelled EASTER Ecclesia for almost everyone. They found the thing to start attacking the CHURCH! And they are doing it right out in the open. And most people are okay with it because it’s about safety. Think about it, many states are dictating how many people can attend church! In America, not everyone can attend church that wants to and that is despicable.

And for some reason because it’s about health, no one sees that it’s the same exact tactics as any other slow take over/fade into communism. Because they’ve manipulated the masses with “forced” well visits and false medical doctrine for decades. They have slowly made Americans believe that doctors are all FOR you & your health. All Doctors know more than other people about health. They have ALL the answers. It is a religion. And any doctor who has ideas that differ from the collective, is silenced  

Health Experts would never walk into the Oval Office and LIE about numbers and death in order to change America fundamentally! Oh no they are all caring and full of heart and love for all life and they don’t have any agendas. They’d never try and gain more power or help their friends. Oh no. They wouldn’t follow their own political ideologies ABOVE the well being of millions of Americans. They wouldn’t force mass shutdowns and ignore the suicides, substance abuse and depression. They wouldn’t stand in front of the American people and spit lies in order to get their power and money back to their elite friends. People don’t like power or control right? And people definitely don’t work together to take over countries and control the masses, right? 

Do you love America for giving us our God given rights? There’s no where else we can have them.

Also, have you ever heard the stories of Christians in other countries meeting even when it’s illegal? Have you been proud of those Christians for doing what is right? If you have, this is the same exact situation. But remember they found the ONE thing that most people can get behind because of their ingrained, medical belief system/doctrine.

Do you watch the stories of immigrants who fled COMMUNISM and feel anything? Feel moved or start weeping? Because I do. Maximo Alvarez said it best “there’s no where else to go”. Imagine the PTSD this is triggering in any immigrant who actually watched their country erode into communism. 

My Nonna as a young girl fled with Nuns to North Africa to escape the Nazi’s in Italy. She watched her brother lose his life by stepping on a bomb. She always says, when she hears a politician speak about redistributing wealth or higher taxes or welfare etc, and says, “that’s communist. They want control.”

Just because this isn’t about removing a people group from their homes and carting them off, this is the SAME beginning threats. Think about what is happening and really play it out in your mind. They have task forces to check for mask dissenters. But again, because it’s about safety and health, people refuse to see the signs. 

Please please Go learn about how the other countries changed. And please learn the difference between a Constitutional Republic & a Democracy. Because I sure as heck don’t want to live in a democracy - which is one step closer to socialism/communism.

We are either free or we are not. And I choose freedom. A freedom given to us by God that others died to protect. Imagine what they would say if they knew we CLOSED our churches! Imagine what they’d say if they saw us ignoring the communism that is creeping in. Imagine what they’d say if they saw people so divided over this topic of FREEDOM. 



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