Monday, November 29, 2021
All 4 Births.
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
November 23 bump date
4 Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.
5 Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.
6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Thank you, all for the prayers & messages.
They are felt and so appreciated. We feel so very carried as we walk a road I wouldn’t choose for myself
And what I mean by that is, I’ve had healthy pregnancies without any hiccups. And this threw me at first because the first ER physicians assistant was a jerk. More afraid of germs than caring about being a decent human being. She judged us for our homebirth past choices and current plans.
But since then, we have had endless prayers and so much love poured out over this baby’s precious life. And we are eternally grateful. And we know that this baby’s story is powerful and he or she has a mighty purpose. Just as out other children do as well.
The specialist released us but also left it up to us as to how to move forward. And we decided to see her again to continue to check my healing & baby’s growth.
Our scans showed that my body is healing. Which means, a healthy diet, the right supplements, rest & a simple slow life is exactly what we need right now.
We have always walked out our homebirth plans with the contingency that if there was ever true solid evidence we would adjust the plan. We will do what is the safest for everyone. And for now, that is monitoring & praising God as I heal.
I do know that cookie cutter care that is one size fits all and being told we have to do XYZ or sign forms declining doesn’t feel right. I’ll be honest- Point blank being told that I need to be checked for syphilis is demeaning. But that’s the standard of care. Everyone gets checked or has to decline it and sign. There wasn’t a question of “do you want STD screening” it was “we will check for syphilis”.
Hmm yeah no you won’t.
And I refuse to be treated that way. And I refuse to mask in labor. Which is why we will keep our plans for homebirth unless the concrete EVIDENCE says otherwise.
Yesterday’s scans confirmed what I already knew, the baby is growing and thriving.
I don’t hold much stock in measurements being exact but baby is average size and in the 40th percentile. Again scans aren’t 100%. And my history dictates that we can either have a baby close to 9lbs or a 7lb baby. The genetics are there for either. And my body has managed to birth them all quite easily.
We are so excited to meet him or her!
Sometimes our walk with Jesus isn’t one where we can look far off into the distance. Often times it’s one day at a time. And that is where we are right now. Rejoicing in the good news & remaining hopeful for the road ahead.
When everything has healed this sweet baby will be welcomed into our home in a 100°F pool of water just as our other babies have been with the loving guidance of family and our midwife
If any concrete evidence arises that justifies a different choice, rest assured we will make the right decision.
#homebirth #babynumber5 #holzhauerpartyof6 #whynothome #homebody #22weeks #pregnancy #pregnant #bumpdate
Friday, November 12, 2021
Be your own expert.
This concept is a huge passion of mine.
Many of you know we’ve had to seek dual care this pregnancy. For the situation at hand it’s the wise option.
But I’ll tell you this, the words on the post hold so true. It wasn’t until our 4th visit that anyone even asked my pregnancy history. I found it strange that these so called experts were providing pregnancy care but had not taken the few minutes to ask me how many babies I’ve birthed & how long I carried each and their birth stats etc.
And even more sad, I wasn’t surprised that they hadn’t asked. And that’s a shame.
And when we saw a specialist the nurse said “is this your first baby”? I said “nope my 5th pregnancy & 4th living”. And she said “Oh wow”. The nurse looked shocked that I know everything about my pregnancies, births & babies. I hold that knowledge in my mind because it’s important to me. Who else is going to remember?
But prior to that, the only history they had in my chart was “quit smoking”. So I also made them change that to say how long I smoked and when I quit (2009). The chart made it sound like I just quit because of being pregnant.
I say all of this to explain why I’m so passionate about being your own expert. And finding others who will care for you in a loving & respectful manner.
This is why we choose homebirth and midwifery care. The love, prayer, support & acceptance is priceless.