Since becoming a mom Many things have become apparent to me.
All the expert advice is annoying.
I feel like my instincts Are better than any advice that anyone could give me.
Mostly because I know my baby and my baby knows me. And the two of us seem to coexist very well together.
I am seeing that in America we think that if our baby is sleeping alone and putting themselves to sleep and in their own room by 6 to 8 months old that we have succeeded.
But as I have studied other cultures especially indigenous cultures and families it seems that they spend a lot more time together. Mom's only main job is to take care of the children and provide food. And they don't seem annoyed about that. They seem to enjoy it. The children appear very well-adjusted to their life and independent. Even though they all closely. Live together. And depend upon one another.
I'm starting to see what we have lost in our culture. As Christians. As mothers. Mothering appears to be A burden! And it doesn't seem like women are enjoying themselves while they are doing it.
I don't find myself annoyed with every dirty diaper or spit up or what have you. I feel joy inside of my heart knowing I am caring for another human being.
I don't worry if my son will sleep through the night or if he won't or if he is going to nurse every two hours or when was the last time he . I just go with his flow. One day he may eat every two hours on the dot. And that is fine. However, there are some days where He will eat Every three hours but then he wants to eat an hour later. It is constantly changing.
Either way it all seems to work out fine. I truly believe you cannot spoil an infant.
I also feel God telling me that as I don't worry about what is to come I am taking a burden off of my own shoulders. Worrying causes us to be stressed. Which will rub off on our children.
It is our duty as women to set the tone in our households.
I am really seeing that it is about what is best for baby. What his little body needs is the most important thing. And even though I could start him on cereal or some whole milk or some formula and it would sit in his stomach and keep him feeling full all night long and then I could get a full nights rest. But I would rather nurse my baby and have to feed him two or three times in the night because I know that is what is best for his digestive system and for his future. But I've also seen that I have been blessed with a baby who is calm and collected and enjoys sleeping. I do like to believe that is because I am being selfless and doing all I can for him.
I am doing what I know is right in Gods eyes. Thinking about his well being above ALL!
And even though I have to feed him 2-3 times each night, it isn't stressful and I am not tired at all. I am glad to do it!
I love him to pieces!
He is a great baby!
I know we have been blessed with a baby that doesn't cry very much!
But even if he was crying and upset, I would still sacrifice for him. And I wood still nurse him!
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Monday, April 22, 2013
Happy Birthday, Kaleb!!
This is what I wrote on Facebook today! And thought I'd share it here!
Happy Birthday, Kaleb! Thank you for:
-Working hard so I can stay home with Elijah!
-Accepting me as I am, but pushing me to grow beyond myself
-Saying, "I love you" out loud and often because it never gets old
-Moving to MN 3 years ago
-Staying positive even in the winter
-Choosing the narrow path even when people ridicule you
-Fixing my car and changing the oil
-Holding Elijah in the foyer so I can worship and take notes in church
-Loving my sisters and brother as your own
-My iPhone 5
-Letting me sleep when I need it
-Being silly when life gets serious
The list could go on and on! But the bottom line is,
Thank you, for choosing me and loving me!
I love you! ♥
Happy Birthday, Kaleb! Thank you for:
-Working hard so I can stay home with Elijah!
-Accepting me as I am, but pushing me to grow beyond myself
-Saying, "I love you" out loud and often because it never gets old
-Moving to MN 3 years ago
-Staying positive even in the winter
-Choosing the narrow path even when people ridicule you
-Fixing my car and changing the oil
-Holding Elijah in the foyer so I can worship and take notes in church
-Loving my sisters and brother as your own
-My iPhone 5
-Letting me sleep when I need it
-Being silly when life gets serious
The list could go on and on! But the bottom line is,
Thank you, for choosing me and loving me!
I love you! ♥
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Visiting Auntie Kiah!
We are about to spend the weekend with my sister in Minneapolis! I am excited to see her! It has been far too long! I will update as to how the weekend goes once we are back home.
So far, we have hit 80 billion pot holes! Gotta love Minnesota Roads after winter ends! Yikes!
Elijah is asleep. He is teething and his left cheek is a little swollen. We are going to lunch with my sister. And then we are going to meet Kiah's nanny family and babysit their daughter •A• for the day! Kaleb is going to go see a movie with a friend later on this evening!
More updates to come!
We had a great weekend!
Saturday we hung out until we had to go babysit •A• (kiahs nanny family)
Kaleb picked us up Chinese food. Then Kiah, Eli and myself went to babysit. Kaleb had movies and shows on tv he wanted to catch up on.
I loved hanging out with Kiah and •A•
She is a sweet little girl!
A thinker
She warmed up to me and we played and giggled!
We babysat til 10:30pm
We went home (Kiah's) and hung out with Kaleb. We watched Parks and Rec and talked.
I miss my sister!
Moving to be 3 hours from her is scary for me! And I'm sure, for her as well.
Sunday, we decided to sleep in and relax. I didn't want to go to a church because our time with Kiah is precious.
We wanted to sleep in, but Elijsh was up at 7! But only for an hour, then he slept 8-11
Praying his sleep schedule isn't too screwed up!
Sunday was fun! We all woke up at 11 and just had a lazy afternoon with Ebear. Kaleb ventured out into the rain and picked up burgers from Five Guys! That food was amazing! A burger and fries has 900 calories! good thing breast feeding burns 500 calories just creating the milk! We relaxed until 4pm {we had to! Those burgers were intense!} then we made our way to Costco and Ikea!
Kaleb loves Costco!
He found his Birthday gift, luggage!
His mom is buying it for him!
He is excited for his next business trip so he can try them out!
We also bought the usuals:
Bulk diapers- size 3 nowadays
Bulk wipes! They last a long time! I am set for another 4 months or more!
Elijah clothes! I found some cute onesies! And a sleeper-bib-pants-onesie set!
We also found a "tank top onesie" my brother will appreciate that! He loves man tanks!
I love the popular nautical theme this year!
"Captain Cutie"
"SSS Cutie"
My dad was in the Navy so the boats and such make me smile big!
After Costco we went to IKEA!
I K E A!!
What a great place! I found some super cute lantern decorations!
I also found a cute orange moose stuffed animal! It made Ebear laugh out loud and giggle! Probably because he wants to chew/gum it and slobber all over it!
My sister is shopping for a bed! We found one! So exciting! She will buy it this week! And gave it delivered!
She is growing up!
We are all grown up now! Well, almost! Our little sister is 17! She is almost done with her 11th grade year of high school!
It was fun to visit! I can't believe we are old enough to visit one another!
The love between sisters is unbreakable and such a thing to cherish!
I thank God for the sisters He has blessed me with!
We know that no matter what happens we have each other!!
The drive home went quick! As usual, I cried a bit! I miss Kiah and leaving is hard! I wrote this blog entry to distract my brain! And we only had to stop once to feed Ebear!
The last few photos of Elijah were taken right when we got home! So happy to be out of his car seat!
God Bless you all!
So far, we have hit 80 billion pot holes! Gotta love Minnesota Roads after winter ends! Yikes!
Elijah is asleep. He is teething and his left cheek is a little swollen. We are going to lunch with my sister. And then we are going to meet Kiah's nanny family and babysit their daughter •A• for the day! Kaleb is going to go see a movie with a friend later on this evening!
More updates to come!
We had a great weekend!
Saturday we hung out until we had to go babysit •A• (kiahs nanny family)
Kaleb picked us up Chinese food. Then Kiah, Eli and myself went to babysit. Kaleb had movies and shows on tv he wanted to catch up on.
I loved hanging out with Kiah and •A•
She is a sweet little girl!
A thinker
She warmed up to me and we played and giggled!
We babysat til 10:30pm
We went home (Kiah's) and hung out with Kaleb. We watched Parks and Rec and talked.
I miss my sister!
Moving to be 3 hours from her is scary for me! And I'm sure, for her as well.
Sunday, we decided to sleep in and relax. I didn't want to go to a church because our time with Kiah is precious.
We wanted to sleep in, but Elijsh was up at 7! But only for an hour, then he slept 8-11
Praying his sleep schedule isn't too screwed up!
Sunday was fun! We all woke up at 11 and just had a lazy afternoon with Ebear. Kaleb ventured out into the rain and picked up burgers from Five Guys! That food was amazing! A burger and fries has 900 calories! good thing breast feeding burns 500 calories just creating the milk! We relaxed until 4pm {we had to! Those burgers were intense!} then we made our way to Costco and Ikea!
Kaleb loves Costco!
He found his Birthday gift, luggage!
His mom is buying it for him!
He is excited for his next business trip so he can try them out!
We also bought the usuals:
Bulk diapers- size 3 nowadays
Bulk wipes! They last a long time! I am set for another 4 months or more!
Elijah clothes! I found some cute onesies! And a sleeper-bib-pants-onesie set!
We also found a "tank top onesie" my brother will appreciate that! He loves man tanks!
I love the popular nautical theme this year!
"Captain Cutie"
"SSS Cutie"
My dad was in the Navy so the boats and such make me smile big!
After Costco we went to IKEA!
I K E A!!
What a great place! I found some super cute lantern decorations!
I also found a cute orange moose stuffed animal! It made Ebear laugh out loud and giggle! Probably because he wants to chew/gum it and slobber all over it!
My sister is shopping for a bed! We found one! So exciting! She will buy it this week! And gave it delivered!
She is growing up!
We are all grown up now! Well, almost! Our little sister is 17! She is almost done with her 11th grade year of high school!
It was fun to visit! I can't believe we are old enough to visit one another!
The love between sisters is unbreakable and such a thing to cherish!
I thank God for the sisters He has blessed me with!
We know that no matter what happens we have each other!!
The drive home went quick! As usual, I cried a bit! I miss Kiah and leaving is hard! I wrote this blog entry to distract my brain! And we only had to stop once to feed Ebear!
The last few photos of Elijah were taken right when we got home! So happy to be out of his car seat!
God Bless you all!
Friday, April 19, 2013
Thoughts for this blizzardy day...
I sit here holding my beautiful son. Thinking about how precious life is and how easily we take it for granted.
We don't mean to but we all do it.
We get caught up in the day to day existence.
The laundry
The dinner
The news
Church activities
You name it.
We get caught up in it. And I only listed the "good" things we get caught up in. What about all the not so good things? What about the evil things?
What about the stuff we do that seriously goes against the Bible?!
What about those things?
What about the sin?
Even the small sins?
What about those?
This tragedy with Boston and all the other tragedies have happened.
Yup, that's true.
Those poor lost people did evil things. And many people's lives were changed forever or they died too soon! And I know what we think. We think:
"those are BIG sins!"
"I could never do that to anyone"
"How could someone do something so evil?"
"They deserve to go to hell"
"They deserve to die"
"They deserve the death penalty"
"Someone white would never do that"
"All people of other races are far more evil than Caucasians!"
These are just a few of the disgusting things I have read on Twitter and Facebook!
The reality is different than any of those thoughts! ^
The reality is
"All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God"
Romans 3:23
We have all done things we regret.
Yes, perhaps we haven't killed anyone. But for people who choose to take the forgiveness offered to us through Jesus, we have a new life to live.
We have a different standard to uphold. A different way we must view humanity.
Everyone deserves a chance for forgiveness.
God will judge everyone.
But He also forgives us for our shortcomings and our sins.
I know it is easy to think that the 2 persons who hurt and killed those people in Boston or the young man who killed those children in Newtown, are far worse than us regular people.
When reality is we are all lost without our Savior.
We were each given our life on this earth.
We were given, our parents.
The way they raised us.
We didn't choose that. And the way we are raised molds who we are. It can take a lifetime for a person to get over how they were raised. Especially when that upbringing damaged them in ways that are hard to heal. I have met children who will be struggling for their entire life. Yes, they can find Jesus and let Him heal their heart. But the physical and emotional damage that has been done is reprehensible and nearly impossible to change.
We don't choose some things that happen to us. Sometimes, Satan gets into the minds of people and they believe the lies the Enemy tells them.
Every human is flawed and every person has been given the ability to choose.
That freedom can go both ways.
Evil and good.
Without being raised with morals, we cannot expect people to simply inherently know what is right from wrong! To expect that isn't fair. BECAUSE if we sit here and judge, we are trying to be God. Even though we aren't God and we are also not in that person's shoes.
We sit here with morals because someone taught them to us. We cannot say how we would've turned out had we been raised differently.
I keep hearing people say that, they should have known what was right. But reality is, those people saying that learned their morals somewhere. And they are taking that 'SOMEWHERE' for granted.
I myself have done that before as well. Even though, my mother raised me and my siblings to love God and treat others with kindness, it's easy to see what others are doing and think,
"WOW, I would never do that!" ...
Of course I wouldn't because my mother taught me better than that! But some people's moms do not teach them things. Frankly, plenty of women have children that they didn't even want. And those poor sweet souls are treated with disdain.
Now with all of that said, I believe whole heartily, the Body of Christ has lost touch with what is important! We have decided that judgement is the answer. Yes, what those men did was horrible. But have we come that far from understanding the Bible? And Jesus' sacrifice? Do we take ourselves THAT seriously? That because we no longer sin small that we are somehow better than people that sin BIG!
Big sins:
Suicide attempts
Abusive behavior
Porn star
And on another note, what about all of the people that sin SMALL? And what I mean by sin small, I mean these sins:
Sex outside of marriage
Watching pornography
Yelling at your children
Those are just a few. I know I could keep going.
But I think you get the point.
All the things I listed are equal in God's eyes. They truly are.
When Jesus was hanging on the cross He talked with the man hanging next to Him. This is the excerpt from the Gospel of Luke.
Luke 23:32-43,
32 Two others also, who were criminals, were being led away to be put to death with Him. 33 When they came to the place called The Skull, there they crucified Him and the criminals, one on the right and the other on the left. 34 But Jesus was saying, "Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing." And they cast lots, dividing up His garments among themselves. 35 And the people stood by, looking on. And even the rulers were sneering at Him, saying, "He saved others; let Him save Himself if this is the Christ of God, His Chosen One." 36 The soldiers also mocked Him, coming up to Him, offering Him sour wine, 37 and saying, "If You are the King of the Jews, save Yourself!" 38 Now there was also an inscription above Him, "THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS." 39 One of the criminals who were hanged there was hurling abuse at Him, saying, "Are You not the Christ? Save Yourself and us!" 40 But the other answered, and rebuking him said, "Do you not even fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? 41 "And we indeed are suffering justly, for we are receiving what we deserve for our deeds; but this man has done nothing wrong." 42 And he was saying, "Jesus, remember me when You come in Your kingdom!" 43 And He said to him, "Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise."
Now, for a little history lesson. In order to be sentenced to death by crucifixion you had to do dastardly evil things. Things such as, rape or murder. It was a similar equivalent to the death penalty today. We do not give the death penalty to just any criminal. And all it took was for the criminal on the cross to believe in Jesus and he was saved.
Jesus forgave him for his sins.
The least we could do is understand that everyone can have forgiveness!
We don't deserve it.
None of us do.
But we can all have it through Jesus.
He can save you as He has saved me.
He can comfort those who are hurting.
He has brought me great peace since my Grandfather George passed away.
Pray for your loved ones.
Pray for Boston.
Pray for the lost individuals
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
My sisters new...
BUNNY!! 🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰
She named him Boog! {B-eeww-g}
Can't wait to watch him grow!!
We spent the day at my parent. It was relaxing. My sister's bf came over and he had just went to the pet store and they had minilop bunnies. He bought the black and white one. See photo :)
We already love little Boog!!
We helped Gina pay for her bunny because we will be taking her other dwarf Netherlands bunny as our first family pet! Yay!
I want to feel what it's like to have a pet and an infant/baby!!
Tomorrow is church, if I feel awake enough to go. I can't sleep even youth in tired!!
Goodnight all!
God Bless!!
She named him Boog! {B-eeww-g}
Can't wait to watch him grow!!
We spent the day at my parent. It was relaxing. My sister's bf came over and he had just went to the pet store and they had minilop bunnies. He bought the black and white one. See photo :)
We already love little Boog!!
We helped Gina pay for her bunny because we will be taking her other dwarf Netherlands bunny as our first family pet! Yay!
I want to feel what it's like to have a pet and an infant/baby!!
Tomorrow is church, if I feel awake enough to go. I can't sleep even youth in tired!!
Goodnight all!
God Bless!!
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Boog or Bob |
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Marley, Mason's minilop |
April so far..
We have been so busy!
Where to begin.
Well, Elijah is growing fast! He is now wearing 6 month clothes!
He is babbling a bunch and smiling constantly!
I can't believe it's been 14 weeks!!
Everyday he changes!
We are taking his "3 month" photos soon! I can't wait!
Our daily routine consists of:
Up by 7am
Mama eats, baby eats.
Playtime until 9.
Nap 1-2 hours.
Baby eats, mama eats.
Play more, tummy play, take photos!
Nap, mama too!
Up around 5.
Ebear plays with daddy
{we will go for a walk once the weather is nice}
mama cleans and cooks
Ebear eats,
mama and daddy eat and then sometimes watch tv.
Bath, reading to E.
Bedtime at 9.
In other news, the Holzhauers are moving!
One hour south of where we are now!
About 5 blocks from Kaleb's job site!
I am sad to move further from my family. We will be 1.5 hours from them. But we are excited for a bigger house! We can have a few more kids while we live there! *wink*.. The Lord just worked everything out smoothly.
Lower rent.
Bigger home!
A dishwasher!!
4 bedrooms!
2 baths!
Double garage!
Quarter acre lot!
Kaleb got a raise today! I am so proud of how hard he works!! I am able to stay home and raise Ebear because he works hard!
Now that Elijah is part of our family we have had to make time for each other. It's easy to start to feel guilty for leaving Elijah. But I know we need time together.
On Sunday evening, Ebear went to bed at 7:30, which is early. I like to have E in bed at 9 that way he sleeps til 7am. But Sunday he was exhausted so he went down early.. Which gave K and I some time to ourselves. It was lovely. We had dinner and talked then we watched one of our favorite shows, Breakout Kings.
Check it out, it's a great crime solving show!
We are excited for Kaleb's patents to come the end of May!!
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4.9.13 |
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One of my favorite photos E V E R! |
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April snow storm! |
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Popop's grave is up. Strange feeling. But happy with what we chose for the words. |
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4.8.13 |
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Playing outside with daddy! |
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A M A Z I N G mulling spices that you brew with apple juice! Makes the best hot apple cider! Great for snow days! |
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Pedicure time while baby sleeps! This happened TODAY!! And that is the book that coincides with our Bible Study at Willmar AG on Tuesday mornings! Oh how I will miss that fellowship when we move! Great book to read! Lisa Bevere is amazing! A wise woman of God. READ IT!! |
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4.7.13 All ready for church, Elijah is fast asleep in his carseat so we snapped this quick! Kaleb just had to have his gun in there! |
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4.9.13 He wants to sit up so badly! But this pose last about 10 seconds then he tips over, in slow motion! |
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He loves that duck toy!! |
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19 We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain |
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