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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Late night blog post ...

I just thought I would add some photos from the past week or so. 
We have fun as a family! I just love my life as a wife & mommy! 
Ebear is a delight and a joy to take care of and spend my days with him never is dull! 
I have spent a lot if time in prayer. Many people I know are dealing with struggles far beyond my comprehension. 
Pray for healing and peace and comfort for anyone you know who is in pain, grief, sorrow etc. 
Jesus loves you! 

\\ A mommy moment //

Last month, for about a week, I found myself starting to care what other people thought about how we choose to raise Elijah. I suppose, I let my guard down. It's easy to do when people are always asking, "is he a good baby?" & "does he sleep good"? During that week, he wasn't sleeping very much. And I started wondering if people were right about sleep training. Especially, when they are quick to tell you that your parenting a style is wrong. In my mind, I became weary, probably from exhaustion & lack of sleep. My strong willed confidence can be shaken by judgements. And that is what I usually get when I inform people that we cosleep most nights. Women say I'm crazy. Just like they do when I tell them, I choose to stay home. 

But that hard week was just a small phase. Elijah must have been going through something. Because he has been sleeping beautifully. After contemplation, I realize, I cannot let myself listen to the nay Sayers for even a moment. 

Everyone seems to have so much advice about parenting. I find myself mothering Elijah, in nearly the opposite direction as the majority of my peers & society. If everyone's doing it, I have to weigh, if that's good or not. Is the majority including God in the equation? No they aren't. Every choice of mine as a mother is prayed about and every choice is made in Elijah's best interest. 

This has been a great life lesson. In staying on the path God is leading you down. Even when others judge you or throw verbal stones your way.