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Friday, January 31, 2014

A time for reflection

I have been quite overwhelmed with some miscommunication drama. And have prayed and decided to just take a few days to myself; Away from my Facebook and Instagram. 

So far so good. This has all lead me to really think, all day. I have been able to Think about what i want to use my social media for and if I am really doing any good. If I am really doing what the lord wants. 
I do know that there are good things that have come from my Facebook. And people have encouraged me in the past. 
I wasn't doing this just to gain attention. I was having major anxiety over the drama that kept happening. And the arguments that kept happening. 
I didn't mean to hurt people but I was. And now I feel devastated. 

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Late night thoughts.

Our nightly routine has been: 

Elijah sleeps in his crib until his one mid-night snack. Then he just stays in bed with us. 

But I really wanted to start putting him back in his crib after he nurses cause he sleeps better there. 

Long story short:

It's me that is having a hard time without him. I'm so glad we safely co-slept with him this past year. It was a precious & fleeting time. 💙

I just had to...

I just had to ... Vent about this article.

The article needs to be talked about so women don't get even more controlled by the stupid medical system. Midwives do a wonderful thing in this society and in the UK. 
DOCTORS use fear. Constantly. And it isn't based on evidence based practice. Women have somehow let doctors control their thoughts. We are so vulnerable during labor. 
Gosh. Homebirth is wonderful. I enjoyed mine immensely. And I was safe. The midwives had all the necessary tools. And they protected me and guided me and encouraged me. They didn't give me ultimatums and deadlines. And even when my body stopped progressing they never said I failed. They simply approached the situation with the solution (which was manually opening my cervix) and kindly explained it to me and moved forward. It felt like the SAFEST car ride I have ever been on. 
My one prayer about the future is that I will be able to fully dilate on my own next time. Because having help was crazy painful.  
The medical system does not respect the natural process. They monkey with it and  when their interventions fail or cause unnecessary pain, they don't apologize. They somehow make women feel as though these problems that occurred were always going to happen. When really at any moment the woman could have said, NO. 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Great Snow Bowl of 2014

This has been a beautiful weekend. 
We had a wedding to go to 1.25.14 a&d so we decided to make a weekend trip of it! We reserved a suite at a Marriott! It was amazing. 

We hung out with my sister and her bf on Friday evening. Played cards, had some wine and lots of laughs. We are growing very fond of my sister's boyfriend. I won't publish his name, as I haven't asked him. Which reminds me, I should ask. 

I am glad my sister found someone worthy of her love. 

Saturday morning and afternoon was spent relaxing and snacking on food. My other sister, Gina and her boyfriend stopped over before they went to MOA. We just relaxed and enjoyed their lovely company. 

got ready for the wedding. 
Had a mini photo shoot thanks to my sister G. [photos to follow]

We enjoyed a lovely evening with some good friends. And they will soon be married also! [5.3.14] {CANT WAIT}

I have started 2 countdowns! 
1. Arizona to meet our nephew:: 20 days! 

2. Fritz wedding:: 96 days! 


I know what you're thinking, this girl is a dork. Yep. 

// Ok back to the weekend \\
The wedding was such a fun time! I am amazed they put it together in 3 months! It was beautiful. They played a fun game where they had 4:24 mins to take a group photo with each table! It was a hoot! And they succeeded! Those photos will be such a beautiful memory. :) 
I don't know why but I had forgotten that Elijah would probably enjoy the dancing. AND he did!! {here} and {here}
We stayed until 7:30. Elijah was so tired. He fell asleep on the drive. 

We went over to my sisters apartment. Kaleb charged & jumped her car. And we all drove back to the {Marriott}. 

Kaleb went to bed early. My sis and I stayed up pretty late [1:30am] just talking and hanging out. Elijah refused to sleep. He is growing 8 teeth all at once (molars and eye teeth) and it makes him a night owl. {hoo hoo}
We watched "The Help". My sister hadn't seen it so that was fun to share that movie memory with her. 

I was glad to go to sleep - finally!
We had planned on finding a church to attend but Kaleb decided it was more important to replace my sister's car battery. And I agree! 
I am so thankful that Kaleb is such a hard worker. He installed my sisters new battery even though it was pretty dang cold out! 

We had a late checkout of 1:00pm on Sunday. So we decided to go swimming. And boy did we have fun!
Elijah loved the water and I'm so glad. Since he was a winter baby and there were no pools near us he didn't get exposed to much water as an infant. And he had some exposure over summer. But summer was so short in 2013. He has only been in bath water since September. The last time hew as swimming was in Utah when we went boating with grandpa Tom. All that to say, he hasnt been exposed to a lot of water. 

He couldn't get enough of the pool! It made us all very excited for summer!! 

We got packed up and went to Michael's  craft store. I needed a supply of yarn! 

We hugged and kissed my sister. And we went our separate ways. 

I always hate saying see ya later. But we had plans to see each other Feb 5th. 

We knew that the weather was forecasted to get blizzardy later in the day. As we kept driving, it started to get CRAZY!!! WE COULDNT SEE FIVE FEET IN FRONT OF US! 

We were halfway home and decided to pull into a small town and spend the night in a hotel. 

We were thankful for a warm place to stay. The wind was crazy all night. Elijah slept fabulously!! We were thankful for that! It was miraculous!! 

The breakfast was yummy at both of our hotels. It was nice not to have to cook. 

We were blessed over this past weekend. Truly. 

We made it home around 11am on Monday. It felt so good to be home and safe and sound! 
It was such an eventful journey to get home! I have been calling it "the great snow ball of 2014". My own nerdy way of making a pun in reference to "the great dust bowl". 
Lame. I know. 


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

This is what life is about.

It isn't about me. 

I have been sitting her snuggling with Elijah & contemplating my life. We only have one chance at this life. One chance to do right things. Moments come and go, and we can't get them back. When you don't give something a real shot, you will have regrets. Keep going. If it is something good and solid it is important to keep at it. 

 I have been living the past four years with that in mind. I decided to dedicate my life to Christ and I refuse to stop. 

And I am especially glad that I have given my all to this sweet little boy that is asleep in my arms. Through tears, sleepless nights and constant change, I keep going. I continue to pray and do what is truly best for him. Not what is best for me. 

We had a rough start. Labor was beyond intense and overwhelming. Nursing was hard at first. But I know breast is best. It simply is. No questions about it. 

I am praying that anyone struggling right now will keep doing the right thing. 

Excuse their andomness it's late and I am just jotting things down to expand on when I can get to my computer. I currentt have a 25 pound teething one year old on my chest. 

3 | 52

3 | 52
A Photo Series
* 'A photo of our child once a week, every week for a year'*

Elijah loves to hang out in my dad's rickety old recliner! I can tell he feels like a big boy in this chair! He acts the same way in our La-Z-boy! SO stinkin' cute!

2 | 52

 2 | 52
A Photo Series
* 'A photo of our child once a week, every week for a year'*
Here is week two! I had so much fun on this day! It brought me great joy to see him open his gifts and interact with the other children.
Elijah at his Birthday party! <3

1 | 52

A Photo Series
* 'A photo of our child once a week, every week for a year'*

I have seen that many blogger moms are doing or have done a once a week photo challenge of each one of their children. SO I have decided to start compiling one. I want to put my new camera to use. :)

I haven't had time to post the 3 so far. So here goes. These are unedited photos. I may start editing them but I am already three weeks behind.

I can't wait to see the finished product of all 52 weeks!!

Elijah did NOT enjoy his chocolate fudge birthday cake with chocolate fudge frosting. But he did enjoy taking a bath and washing all the frosting off of his hands, legs, arms and face. Thanks, Chloe for the photo! She quick grabbed the camera and snapped this shot!
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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Our Breastfeeding journey...

I wanted to write down my experience. I have had several women tell me I must've had it easy when it comes to nursing my son. And that's why I love it so much.
But that is not the reality of my journey. ; Not at all. 

We had a rough start. I'm sure our 30 hour labor had something to do with the struggle. Elijahbear slept for the first 24 hours. I tried to get him to latch. And I offered him my breast every time he stirred or woke. But he wasn't interested. And this was ok because my milk hadn't come in yet. 
For the first week, every day was a constant struggle. Elijah was not a vocal baby. 
He did not cry unless his diaper was being changed. .
 And you might think that a non crier was a good thing. But it made it extra hard to know if he was hungry or not. So any time he would move or appear to be rooting around, I offered him the breast. 
Most times he would try. But he wasn't really sucking right and he was not latching on. The midwives had checked his tongue and lip. They were not tied at all. 
Not properly latching was making my nipples so sore. They cracked and bled. It was overwhelmingly painful. 
I cried.
 I squeezed pillows. And did my best to stay calm. 
I prayed. 
God gave me peace. 
I persevered. 
I watched tv to distract me. It helped. 
I could feel God's presence. I knew it was my duty to continue. 
One night, I used a pacifier to help Elijah learn how to suck properly. That helped. He just needed a little guidance. And we never used the pacifier again. I did use my finger to help him learn how to suck. 
Praise God!
Slowly but surely, he began to get the hang of it. But wow was it 

P A I N F U L !! 

It was excruciatingly painful and almost unbearable. That pain lasted 3 weeks. That is how long it took my skin to crack, bleed and heal over 2 times. And then, one day, zero pain. Imagine using a body part in a new way and add on saliva and almost constant use with intense suction. The skin took time to adjust. 
But I didn't care. My nipples were cracked and bleeding a little bit. 
But I didn't care.
My milk let down was quite strong and tingled and my breasts itched. 
But I did not care. 
 It was NOT about me. 
 Elijah was learning how to eat and I was feeding him. It was so beautiful that I didn't care that it was overwhelmingly painful. 
I just kept going. 
Smooth fabric and stretchy bras and olive oil helped a lot!  
I was going to succeed.
 I knew God designed it to work. 
But I knew from reading and hearing my mom talk about her experience, that it is a learning process. 
A day in our life at that time was quite tiring. But it was also quite beautiful. 
Elijah wanted to eat every 2 hours or so. But I didn't keep track. Some days he ate randomly. No rhyme or reason or schedule. Other days it was like clockwork: every 2 hours. 
Kaleb slept on the couch because he had to be up at 5am for work. Elijah and I shared the bed. I slept when he slept and sometimes, I even slept when he was nursing. When he was brand new, he slept on my chest or Kaleb's chest. Once he was a little older he slept next to me in bed. I would hear in stir and latch him on. He would eat and doze back off. This routine lasted for several months. As soon as Elijah was 3 months, Kaleb joined us in bed. I slept in the middle and Elijah slept to my left. It was brilliant. I never had to get up to feed him. I had to keep water at arms length so I could hydrate properly. Soon, Elijah was able to find my breast on his own and eat, I often, never woke up, not really. It was a state of zombie, as Kaleb would say. He said my eyes were open, I would grab Elijah, and he'd nurse. And we would both go back to sleep. He said I moved with such ease and grace. It seemed so simple, he said. It was complete instinct. And I was and am happy to do it. 

I needed to give my baby a chance to learn how to properly nurse. And use his tongue and lips and throat correctly. And what is an appropriate amount of time to let someone become an expert at something? 
A week?
A month? 
3 months? 
None of us adults become good at something on our first try. It usually takes months of practice. Then it becomes like second nature. Don't brand new humans deserve that same amount of time? 
I believe they do. 
We tend to set babies in a separate category. As if these tiny perfect humans aren't real humans yet. But they are. They need skin to skin contact. They need to be held and loved. 
 Our society keeps them at arms length. Before they are even born, plans are in place to give them to strangers. So parents can do important work. 
Daycare waiting lists are full. 
Infants come out of the womb and instantly they are often rubbed down and dried off. And placed under bright lights. I know I wouldn't want to be rubbed down and placed under a fluorescent light after spending 10 months in a perfect, cozy, warm environment. 
But we do it to newborns. 
When it came to breastfeeding, I did not factor in my feelings AT ALL. I set them aside. It was for the benefit of another human being. A being that lived inside of my body for 10 months. His needs surpassed my own. He needed me. 
About 2 weeks into his life, Elijah started to spit up his meals. So I researched and decided to stop eating dairy. Even though, I enjoy cookies and milk, yogurt, cereal, ice cream and cheese of all kinds; ESPECIALLY Parmesan. But I stopped eating all of those things. And Elijah stopped regurgitating my milk. 
I tried reintroducing dairy several times but he would have an episode. So I quit trying. 
Oh how I missed diary products. 
Especially Parmesan cheese! 
When Elijah was 10 months old, I prayed and decided to try dairy. And what do you know, Elijah didn't react at all. His poop stayed the same and he didn't throw up my milk. 
I still do not consume large amounts if dairy because my body is still not used to it. And may never be able to handle it again. But I enjoy ice cream and Parmesan cheese now! 

I love that God created these processes. 
They are splendid. The child grows inside of the mother. The mothers body bring a the baby earth side. Then the mother uses her body to feed her child. It is so beautiful. 
My body has been feeding Elijah for over 22 months. 
[10 months womb side and 12 months earth side.] 

I find it judgmental when women assume that our journey the past 12 months has been a cake walk. It isn't fair to assume ANYTHING about anyone's journey into motherhood. Instead of making assumptions, ask me. Ask the mother how things are going. I'm an open book. Many of us love to answer questions. All areas of motherhood are to be shared with others; especially with other moms and future mothers. I enjoy telling my life story. 
But I believe in honesty. 
Cold. Hard. Truth. 
Even if that truth isn't all rainbows and butterflies, I tell it. I have to. I can't live any other way. 
If you didn't breastfeed, that is your choice. Please don't make a breastfeeding mom feel bad for her success. 
No one can make you feel guilty for making a choice. If you feel guilt. Search within yourself and find the root cause of that guilt. Do you have regrets? Give those to The Lord. Repent of the things you feel you messed up on. There is no sense in living with that guilt. 
But the part that is hard for me to handle is the blame game. Women who didn't nurse their baby(ies) point the finger at us who did. And they often say, it's our fault. By rejoicing in our triumphs and breastfeeding successes, we make them feel bad for bottle feeding. Even though, we never address bottle feeding or out right bash anyone using bottles. We each must choose our path.

We have simply made the choice to avoid bottles. 
It isn't fair to push the blame in our direction. I won't blame anyone using bottles for the struggles we faced at the beginning.

If you are truly confident that you made the best decision for your child, you should not have any guilt. You should feel pleased. You should feel proud; just as proud and elated as we who breastfeed. 
If you sit here and read this and my words have made you feel feelings of guilt. That is inside of YOU. Those are your raw emotions coming up. 
Deal with them. Think about why you feel that way.  
Truly, think about your feelings.
Ask yourself the hard questions.
Why do I feel guilty? 
Where do those feelings come from?
What is the root cause of that guilt?

Just as roots of bitterness can grab a hold of us, the same happens with guilt. We need to yank that guilt weed out by it's roots. The easiest way, repent. Simply, tell God your thoughts. He instantly forgives. The hardest part is forgiving ourselves. 

No one forced me to do this. I chose what is best for my child. The science and truth that breast milk is better cannot be shaken. It is best.

Elijah loves nursing. I don't plan on stopping any time soon. I've always thought that 3 is my cut-off but now, with research, I believe nursing longer than 3 can be beneficial health wise. I will be one of those so-called "weirdos" that is STILL nursing. 
We plan to try for baby #2 this summer. And I plan on continuing to nurse Elijah as long as he still wants to. These days, he comes and asks for it. He is learning to say "please" in sign language. He does a good job! 
Because of breastfeeding, my cycle has not returned {and I don't miss it}. But that doesn't mean my body can't get pregnant. With the presence of sperm, often a woman's body will quickly ovulate. We shall see what happens. We have been praying and weighing what God wants for us. 

I will end with this:::::
As Christian women, do we kid ourselves and think that Jesus actually wanted to be crucified??! 
He didn't. 
He begged God to take that cup from him. But if it was the Lord's will, Jesus said he would keep going. 
 It's right there in the Bible. 
Jesus died on the cross for my sins (and yours), the least I could do was deal with some pain in order to give my son what he needs to be healthy. 

PS- Enjoy the journey. Enjoy the pain. Enjoy the ups and downs. Enjoy the struggle. Because before you know it, it will be over. I sit on the cusp of that day. Elijah is starting to love food and not want to nurse as much. I am glad we had the time we did! 

Friday, January 10, 2014

A little bit about what we believe

Christian theologian J.I. Packer once said, “If I were the devil, one of my first aims would be to stop folk from digging into the Bible… I should do all I could to surround it with the spiritual equivalent of pits, thorns, hedges, and man traps to frighten people off.”

I don't know if I ever really wrote a blog post defining clearly exactly what we believe as Bible believing Christians.

 The first and most important part of our faith is Jesus. 
Jesus is at the center of it all
We believe:
  • Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Who came to earth to save the world. Look it up. It's in the Bible. 
  • They will know us by our love. Love your neighbor. Love all you meet. I'm not going to list all the bible verses about LOVE go find them. They are wonderful. 
  • Communion is done to remember what Jesus did on the cross. It is done so we can repent and set ourselves straight. It is between a person and God. 
  • Free will is a leading roll in our faith in Christ. We choose to follow and we choose where we go to church. 
  • Worshipping The almighty God can be done in many ways. It can be done in reverence. Some things need quiet. I believe communion and remembering Jesus' sacrifice is one of those times.
    Worship can also be loud and crazy and fun. Dancing can occur and singing and playing instruments. All are acceptable. We raise our hands in church because we need more of God. Just as a child lifts his hands to be picked up by his father. We lift our hands so his can lift us up. Worship soothes the soul. Worship is our way of giving our minds to God. Setting aside our worries and negative things and focusing on what's important --God. 
  • The Trinity is real. God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are three in one. Look it up in the Bible. 
  • We are all born with a sinful nature. And only through the blood of Jesus are we saved from that sin. Look it up. 
  • You can receive forgiveness for your sins by asking God for forgiveness. It is important to understand that you do not have to confess every sin out loud. But the Bible does say, confess your sins ONE to another (James 5:16). This is done out of freedom and love. No one requires or forces anyone to do this. If you feel comfortable with a Pastor or a friend, you can tell them your truth. But no one keeps track or insists you do this. It is essentially between YOU and GOD. 
  • If you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, you are saved and will reside in Heaven with God when you die. And you will be at peace and be singing praises with the Angels (John 3:16).  
  • Hell is real. We don't quite no what hell will be like. God has left that as a bit of a mystery. But it is eternal suffering and separation from Jesus/God.
  • Satan was never a god. He once was an angel who thought he knew how to do things better than God. He essentially wanted to be God. And he was cast out of Heaven. Jesus said, 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. (John 10:10) (1 Peter 5:8) (Ezekiel 28)
  • Our good works will not get us to Heaven. Jesus paid the price for our sins by dying on the cross. It is simple and beautiful. There is no amount of good deeds we can do to make ourselves good enough. We simply have to lean on Jesus and remember that His grace is sufficient. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. (Isaiah 53:5)
  • We can only choose salvation for ourselves. We cannot make that decision for anyone else. We are only responsible for our own choices. 
  • Baptism is a choice we make at ANY age. We decide for ourselves that we want to follow in Christ's footsteps (Matthew 3:13-17). 
  • Being baptized isn't a requirement for salvation. Being baptized is another step in faith to proclaim that you are following Christ. The Bible does not require it at a certain age. Acts 2:38 “Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.”

    Read more:
  • ANYONE can preach the gospel at any time. The Bible says, as you go, preach. (Matthew 10:7)
  • "The Church" is the collective body of believers. ANYONE who believes Jesus Christ is the Son of God and died and was resurrected. 
  • Jesus is a prophet. 351 prophecies were fulfilled by Jesus. See for yourself HERE
  • HERE are some amazing statistics about Jesus fulfilling over 300 prophecies. 
  • ANYONE can be filled with the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues. (1 Corinthians 14) (Acts 2)
  • We are ALL a royal priesthood. 1 Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. 1 Peter 2:5 You yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ
  • There is only one true word of God. THE BIBLE. Plain and simple. They have found translations of the Bible that date back to Jesus' time and they match with the translations we have today. The Dead Sea Scrolls prove it. I will not argue with that proof. I saw the scrolls in person 3 years ago! They are so beautiful and so moving. I could just imagine the people that wrote them and read them. The history is fascinating. 
  • When we quote books or sermons, we do so freely. No one is telling us to. We decide for ourselves if the quotes and or teaching are solid. We do this by comparing what they say to the TRUTH in the BIBLE. I myself enjoy MANY different Pastor's sermons and teachings. I choose these by my own freedom. (Rebecca St. James, Mark Driscoll, Louie Giglio, CS Lewis, Rick Warren, Keith Kerstetter, Mike Bartz, The list could go on and on.)
  • Jesus said that John the Baptist is the greatest prophet that ever lived. And today, there is no prophet. We do each hold the ability to prophecy and see truth. We gain this by listening to the Holy Spirit. Matthew 11:9-11 Then what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet. (10) This is the one about whom it is written: " 'I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way before you.' (11) I tell you the truth: Among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist; yet he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.
  • If we are persecuted for Christ's name sake, we should be glad. 
    1 Peter 4:12-14 Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ's sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.
•ANYONE can lay hands on anyone else and pray and God hears your prayer. Men, women, children, can all pray to bless others. And they can pray for healing and anything else that comes up in life. God is always listening. And when our hearts desires are good and pure and we are seeking Christ, God wants to fulfill those desires. Clearly, God does not want to fulfill our sinful desiresPsalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

I cannot stress how the most important thing we believe is this:
Jesus came down to earth in the form of a human. He lived a sinless life because He is the earthly manifestation of God in a human being. Jesus was then persecuted and crucified. He died. Was buried. And resurrected 3 days later. All of this happened to prove to the world that we are all sinful and need a Savior. JESUS paid the penalty for our sins. We can rest in knowing that there is no need to be worried about our perfection here on earth. We can never be perfect. We can lean on God's grace and mercy. And continue to try our best but always remembering that our best is lame in comparison to God's glory. THAT is why we need Jesus' sacrifice. 
Unfortunately, many people have a false understanding of who God is and as a result, they live with a huge burden to be good enough and do enough, [so] that Jesus will save them 'after all they can do.' It's very sad, really. And I want to do my best to be sure I am clear as to what we believe. I could go on and on. But this is just the basics about our faith. 
There is freedom in the name of Jesus.
There is power in the name of Jesus. 

2 Corinthians 4:8-12 We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies. For we who live are always being given over to death for Jesus' sake, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh. So death is at work in us, but life in you.

My prayer is that you are touched by things I post because Jesus has changed my life. And I pray He changes your life also. Truly. He is loving and kind and He paid the price for your sins. 
Through Jesus I pray. 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

|| Happy Birthday, Elijah! ||

This has been one of the best years of my life. Full of growth and change and sacrifice.
I am starting this blog post now even though we have more celebrating happening this weekend. We had a party planned for Jan 4, 2014, BUT the weather had other plans. And actually it turned out to be better than I could have imagined.
Go figure.
God had it under control.
It was a good lesson in feeling my feelings but STILL trusting God for a good outcome.
My sister, Blake (her bf) and Chloe (our close friend) braved the roads and stayed with us Saturday, January 4th. Having them here was such a delight for me. We do not get many visitors these days. We live far from our friends up in the Willmar, MN area. I had fun cooking for everyone. I made chicken chow mien Saturday night. And for breakfast the next day I made a potato, egg fry and sausage and bacon. We all snacked on chips and dip and nearly at the entire 9 X 13 pan of oreo cream cheese dessert! YUM!
I plan on making more tomorrow for the party this Saturday (11th).

We spent Saturday, eating, talking and watching tv. We enjoyed some yummy glasses of wine and relaxed. I took lots of photos, as usual.
I really enjoyed getting to know my sister bf, Blake.
It turns out Elijah does not like cake. He didn't like when we fed it to him. He really hated having sticky hands full of frosting. Poor thing. So we ended that quickly, and gave him a bath. He was much happier after that.
Enjoy the photos!

Elijah on his actual Birthday. January 2, 2014!

He did NOT enjoy his cake smash. Maybe next year,

see you later!