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Sunday, December 12, 2021

Some placenta facts

 Here are some of my personal favorite facts:


🌳is a multifunctional organ.

—— acting as baby's lungs to supply oxygen, kidneys to filter out waste, & as gastrointestinal & immune systems by delivering nutrients & antibodies.

🌿secretes important hormones during pregnancy.

🌱The combined length of all the capillaries in your placenta is 32 miles.

🌳can provide immunity to the baby long after birth.

🌿is the only Disposable organ

🌱Some women ingest their placenta.

—-most mammals do.

🌳has spiritual significance in some cultures.

🌿Identical twins may or may not share a placenta. {monochorionic, dichorionic}

🌱Both mama & baby’s blood passes through the placenta, but do not mix.

🌳Delayed cord clamping is very important.

—-1/3 of a baby’s blood resides in the placenta.

🌿Babies send cells through the placenta that protect and heal the mother’s organs.

🌱The placenta gives the mother’s immunity to the baby

—-babies are born with double the concentration of blood antibody as their mothers.


The placenta & it’s creator deserve adoration. This temporary organ brings life to our babies. It nourishes them womb side; Preparing them for life on earth. This organ is miraculous. It’s birth deserves respect. My goal for Ember’s birth was to slow down & marvel in it’s birth; be present & unrushed {barring no complications}. 💛


What is your favorite fact? .

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