This is wonderful |
Kaleb and I have had a busy bunch of days since I last wrote a blog. We have been unpacking and also planning our trip to Florida. We are leaving August 18th and will come back to MN 7 days later. My grandparents are getting older. And my grandpa (Popop) has recovered from colon cancer and is weak and frail. We really feel in our spirits that the Lord is telling us we better get down there and see them. This is my moms side of the family. Kaleb hasn't met any of them. My mom has one sister who has 5 children. We are very excited to see them! I was able to fly to FL and see my cousins and grandparents in 2009. Before I met Kaleb and my life changed, in a great way. :) But my mom and siblings haven't seen that side of the family for 6 years We desperately need to go there. We are so excited! It is now or never for all of us to go because my brother is in the last stages of joining the Coast Guard. And then he will be gone. And he may not be back for a long time. And not to mention we will be parents and SO busy! Money will be tighter and life will be different. We know the Lord gave us this one shot to get down there. None of us want the regret of not seeing my grandparents. Especially considering my grandfather's health issues. So Kaleb has helped my mom plan the trip and everything. We are renting a van and driving down to South Carolina and then to Florida. We are all excited to see the ocean and Kaleb is going to surf the waves, he says.
The pregnancy is going along smoothly. I have been so hungry the past few days. Eating small meals about 6 times a day. It is a chore, but totally worth every minute. I have gained about 12 pounds since April; which is right where I should be. I love this little one and cannot wait to hold him/her. I found some awesome stuff online and Kaleb's grandma has sent us some great stuff. I cannot wait to use it! :)
Let's see, what else.. Oh yeah, we went to Costco over this past weekend and bought some shelves and a few items for the house. Things we desperately needed. Washclothes, bathmat, cocoa water (very healthy), & metal shelves for the garage.
On the way to Costco, Kaleb and I listened to some sermons by our favorite preacher, Pastor Mark Driscoll. He is a modern day Paul.
The link above had so many good points. I will list the ones I found to be the best for me, personally. These are Mark Driscolls thoughts, not my own.
- Be careful not to criticize your pastor or bring charges against your pastor that are only criticisms.
- I do not have the right to edit the word of God with my 3 pound fallen brain that went to public school
- You are not just sitting there listening, you are worshipping God by paying attention, so, Thank You.
- Want to grow your church? Preach on the entire book of Luke
- The book of Esther will be preached on this fall
- There are several types of preaching
- Book - Preaching on an entire book of the Bible, start to finish
- Textual - Preaching on a chunk of scripture
- Topical - Pick an idea and preach on it using many different scriptures
- We preach Jesus
- The whole Bible from beginning to end is ultimately about Jesus - 1 Corinthians 1:22
- We follow the pulpit
- We love technology - 15 million downloads have happened because of our online resources
- Preaching is not only for information, but transformation
The sermon up above is the 2nd one we listened to and it was fabulous!! Here are the bullet points I found from the sermon.
- Christian = Jesus & the Holy Spirit are involved
- Before life can be lived the Holy Spirit must have room to be in your life
- Non - Christian appreciates Jesus' life
- Christians experience the love and power of Jesus unleashed in their lives
- Faith should be public and practical
- Faith should not be private and personal, it is personal but not private
- God uses evil for good - Ephesians 1
- Don't freak out when things go wrong or crazy
- There is a plan
- Don't destroy yourself with worry
- See God's definite plan in your/our lives
- Stay close to Jesus
- Hind sight helps us see the plan
- May not understand the definite plan until (Heaven) this life is over
- The worst thing is not to die, it is to die apart from JESUS
- All the famous heroes we look up to are all sinners
- David in the Bible is one of the famous heroes but he was also only human and sinned ALOT
- Jesus/God's presence made David great
- Even the greatest among us, still DIES
- Jesus is in a category all by Himself
- Admiring the life of Jesus is NOT ENOUGH!!
- If you don't choose JESUS you will be His enemy for all eternity and be His footstool!!
- We don't do anything! Jesus did everything!!!
- Repent of your sin
- If our desires are conflicted, we need to repent
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